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What psychological profile? - Printable Version

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What psychological profile? - Diamond - 01-25-2013 12:54 AM

What psychological profile would you give for this person.
The facts are real.
He set up a facebook profile using a name, then he set up a group about a type of food that is his favourite. When people joined the group, he encouraged interaction and 'cherry-picked' certain women to add as facebook friends. He then chatted via message, chat and wall posts and all was very light and friendly.
This continued for over 3 years.
Then, once he had got an idea of who he could trust a bit, he started to say things in private messages like 'I have a secret that I need to be able to trust you with', etc. in order to gain the trust of the other person(s) individually. To a select few, he entrusted that he was attracted to the foodstuff he'd made the group about and how it meant he was unable to have long-term relationships, due to him feeling ashamed. When you consider how 'nice' he seemed online, and how carefully he groomed women (only ever women) it is understandable how the few women he told tried to be kind to him about it.
He then progressed to telling these women he was in love with them, and asking for webcamming.
Then, suddenly, he was asking if he should emigrate to the other side of the world.
Soon after, on facebook, he went and would often post about his new life abroad.
Then he posted how he'd been in hospital with bird flu. About 3 months later, a facebook friend posted on his facebook wall that she'd had an email from his mum that he'd died following a stroke. His mum added that he'd be brought home and have a private burial. One facebook friend requested to attend the funeral but his mum said no.
All seems quite normal doesn't it?
Except the name was fake. The person who set it up is still on facebook with his wife and son.
What's really bad is that he set up the fake facebook ID and group to groom women, then put them through a fake death. Furthermore, after this 'death' he was emailing these same women via their email accounts as a grieving mum and exploiting them further. He could still be doing this now.
He knows I know, I tried to join him on Twitter and he closed his account (in truth he shouldn't have known who I am when I requested to join him - I should be a stranger).
I am not the only person who does know, I just wonder how someone could care so little for other people with their actions over the course of years.

- avatar - 01-25-2013 01:02 AM

You paint a picture.
Interpole would need at least three more reasons to lock away Carmen Sandiago.

- some guy - 01-25-2013 01:02 AM

A psychopath?

- Neil - 01-25-2013 01:02 AM

An exploitative manipulator with delusions of grandeur.

He's probably addicted to know he 'fools' people, which makes him more sad, than dangerous really, because it's really pointless, there's not even an 'evil-plan' behind it, like extorting money.

It does show the regular people, don't take anything online at face-value, E-reality, isn't actual reality.