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My Facebook, Twitter, and email accounts were all hacked. IP address? - Printable Version

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My Facebook, Twitter, and email accounts were all hacked. IP address? - Suuzy* - 01-25-2013 04:01 AM

At around 2:30 AM last night I was on my phone just on twitter before going to bed, when all of a sudden it just stopped and I couldn't click anything; same with Facebook. I thought it was a normal problem with the system or my connection or something, but at around 7:30 my friend calls me and says there's all this messed up shit on my facebook... I go on her account to see, since my password was changed, and they put up my number, took a long and very private conversation from my messages (which was between me and the friend who called) and statued it, and also somehow managed to obtain all my very UGLY and unappealing pictures from like, grade 7ish grade 8. With these pics, which they got from my old account which I couldn't no matter how much I tried, access, they put them on my profile. They also made my private photo albums to friends of friends. Who the hell does this kinda crap? And at 3AM? Anyways, I checked my activity log and it says at 3:20AM they searched up a misspelled version of a girls' name that I fought with in one of my messages, and then added her as a friend. Two of my 3 email accounts were hacked into, the passwords, names, info, etc. all changed, making it that much harder for me to gain access to my fb account again and clean up the mess they did.
HOWEVER, I did manage to get some helpful information from facebook; they gave me an IP address. With this, I tried everything I could but only managed to get a generalized picture of where they lived, not their actual address... Which finally brings me to my ultimate question: HOW, without the involvement of police (I called them already, no not the 911 number, the number for questions and concerns) and without the involvement of service providers. I really want to know who this person is, they invaded my privacy and really have to be shown a lesson or two.

- Torgo - 01-25-2013 04:09 AM

Sorry, but you can't do this without the cops. They have access to the activity logs kept by the hacker's ISP, which is the information you need. I'm sure it is someone you know so maybe you can put up a message on Facebook asking for them to identify themselves before you get the police involved.