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What does he have against me? - Printable Version

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What does he have against me? - Christina - 01-25-2013 07:06 AM

My ex boyfriend dumped me over 6 months ago due to the fact, that I refused to have sex with him. I told him throughout relationship that I wanted to remain a virgin until I was ready, which he couldn't cope with. After he broke up with me, I deleted him off my fb and cut all contact with him. I didn't want him to see that I was actually hurt about the breakup, so I pretended like it didn't get to me. Shortly afterwards however my ex started tweeting very rude things about me and posted indirect posts about me on his blog. I continued to ignore it. He even sent him a 'mistaken' text message.
About 4 weeks ago, he posted 'How to piss off a girl? Tell her to call your ex gf for advice on how to give a *******'. I know for a fact, that he reads my tweets on twitter, as he recently mentioned the same thing which I did the next day. I honestly can't understand why he keeps posting such insults about me, when he's the one who broke up with me? There should be no reason for him to be so vindictive.

I have started seeing someone else and I have moved on. But the fact, that he continues to write such things about me irritates me.

- Kim - 01-25-2013 07:14 AM

Just ignore home he's a perverted player
He will eventually stop even if it takes ten years
Good luck

- malleteery_one - 01-25-2013 07:14 AM

He obviously doesn't have anything else going on in his life. I would block him on Twitter (such a thing is possible, right? I don't tweet), and if things continue to worsen, consider getting a restraining order. He's a special brand of crazy.

- RobloxRox - 01-25-2013 07:14 AM

that guy's an asshole for only wanting you for sex. Forget him and focus on your new bf, you deserve better!

- Hello Koala - 01-25-2013 07:14 AM

His actions are called abuse and harassment, which you have every right to report to twitter, facebook etc. He obviously isn't over you since he can't stop thinking about you and refuses to move on. Shows how immature and perverted he is, and how little respect he has for girls. He's really not worth your time.

You are obviously happy and have moved on, which he must be hating. You know the saying, "kill your enemies with a smile" or don't let him get to you and show how much he means to you by not caring about his actions. He obviously has issues, report his childish disrespectful behavior on all social networks he is airing dirty laundry on and ignore the insignificant child.

- Kayla - 01-25-2013 07:14 AM

First off, good for you for standing up for yourself and your beliefs, and not giving in to him and having sex with him, even after he broke up with you. Smile This guy sounds like a jerk. The fact that you moved on and continue to ignore his online outbursts tells me that perhaps he is just jealous of your new boyfriend, and he's trying to get your attention and doesn't know how, so instead of talking to you like a normal person, he acts childish on the internet instead. But, you're doing the right thing by ignoring him and being the better person.