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What do you think of this person? - Chris - 01-25-2013 07:25 AM

So, there is this guy on my volleyball team and he acts differently around me than when I'm not there. He always seems to joke around more with me than anyone else on the team for starters. Also, he talks like a valley girl sometimes, but we all know he's most likely joking around (or is he?). I also see him looking over at me in the middle of practice or when we are huddled. And I'm not talking about him being on the opposite side of me. He's like at a 45 degree angle from my point of view. He also calls on me first to do stuff such as help him off the ground or stuff like that. Finally, he's pulled alot of perverted jokes and some gay jokes on me. No one say I'm going over the edge with this. I'm just wondering if this could mean he is gay. Answer with a simple yes or no and if your answer is a no, explain why it was a no. Thanks in advance.

- Alex - 01-25-2013 07:33 AM

A person's sexuality can not be determined by their actions, unless they have directly stated their sexuality.
Stereotyping homosexuals in the way you described could make him appear to be gay, but I wouldn't draw conclusions until he says something directy.
If you want to know for sure, try checking Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or anything else that he might put something on to tell people. Chances are, if he hasn't come right out and said anything, he could be afraid to come out and might not want people asking him. Some people are very proud of their sexuality. Others are secretive and offended if you ask.
So, I don't think its a yes or a no..because you can't truly draw a conclusion without such proof.