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I get mad if my boyfriend likes a girls picture? - Printable Version

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I get mad if my boyfriend likes a girls picture? - jessie b - 01-25-2013 07:34 AM

So my boyfriend is really into me (from what I see) and I can say I am falling in love with him Smile we have been dating for two months and everything is great except I get irritated when he will like girls pictures on instigram.. He likes my pics too of course and guys pictures but sometimes he will like a picture of a girl in a bathing suit or just a "selfie" haha. One time he liked an 8th graders pic of her in ther cheer uniform which was a mini skirt and crop top... He is 18!! Also I get irritated if he will follow a girl on twitter or comment on a girls tweet (never flirty) I obviously never say anything but it bothers me! I do the same thing with guys sometimes so I guess I am a bit of a hypocrite, but is this anything to worry about or just innocent? Also he literally texted me 2 minutes abo saying "hey sorry babe I was at a birthday party".... Because he hadn't responded to my text Ina few hours... He didn't even tell me about it or ask if I wanted to go! And it was two girls's joint- party! Ugh. Is this bad?

- Ian - 01-25-2013 07:42 AM


- Moriah - 01-25-2013 07:42 AM

I can see why you are very frustrated. Guys around the globe tend to do this. Maybe you should confront him. But don't get mad in front of him, just show you are slightly irrated. Guys don't like obsessed girlfriends. Just ask "How was the party? Did they have anything cool games? Or something that went down?" Some of those questions might get you a little bit of info. I don't know what to tell you if your 18 year old boyfriend likes 8th graders photos....

- Lexxa - 01-25-2013 07:42 AM

First of all guys at that age are simply immature. From what I read I feel like you may be more into him, then he is into you. At the same time, I don't know you guys. And I'm pretty sure most girls would be irritated at this behavior. You also said you've only been dating for two months, which is still early in a relationship. He may not think... actually.. he doesn't think hes doing anything wrong. "Its just a picture" he would prob say. I say that because I've had a similar situation with my boyfriend back when we started dating. Every time I confronted him about it, he would brush it off and say I'm being jealous. But what girl wants a guy thats gona "like" every picture of a girl in a bikini. Its not jealousy. Its annoying. lol. I would say confront him if you feel like it will make a difference. If you do and he continues to do that, and it bugs you, then its your decision whether you want to continue putting up with it or not.

PS. Men will not change unless they deem it necessary.

- Jessica - 01-25-2013 07:42 AM

Ah you sound like the jealous girlfriend types. Calm. There could be no relationship if you are constantly fretting about him cheating on you. You both are young still, what is the rush. You also shouldn't start interrogating him about the party. Perhaps he wanted an evening out with friends. If your both stuck together 24/7 your relationship would stagnate and become boring and stifling. I know i wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone who always had to know who I was with and where I was every minute of every day.

- James - 01-25-2013 07:42 AM

I just want to say women that wear mini skirts are just sooooooo sexy