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how can i get traffic to my NEW GPT SITE? - Printable Version

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how can i get traffic to my NEW GPT SITE? - RETRODOLLARS - 01-25-2013 10:05 AM

I made a gpt site and need to bring more traffic to it. Can anyone help ?

- - 01-25-2013 10:13 AM

Hi friend..

Traffic is the number one must have resource for any website or online business.You've to understand and learn the best kept secret of traffic generating techniques online.And I'm going to reveal to you my secret.
Here you go..

#1 TWITTER Background Picture

I'm sure that you've heard of TWITTER and the potential it has
to drive traffic.However instead of suggesting you the old school method "provide value to your members" and some sort of useless stuff,I'm going to give you a brand new way to drive traffic.It's with your TWITTER profile background picture.Identify what's the ultimate benefits or FREE offers that you're offering at your website
and create a sample pic (with you website link) of the offer and set it as background picture.I've seen a massive traffic boost to my website.

You can check mine to model it:

#2 Unique Profile NAME at Social Networking Site

If you've heard of Joe Sugarman's tips on how to write advertising copy that really sell,he'd mention that the main purpose of you first sentence/headlines is to make someone read the 2nd sentence/sub-head. And the purpose of your 3rd sentence is to make sure
that someone read the 4th sentence.Let me explain why this is related to traffic generation technique. If you got a profile at social networking site such as FACEBOOK,YAHOO or MYSPACE,change your profile name to something unique or to your website link.
If you got a unique name chances are high that people will click on your profile and view it. They'll be curious and wonder why it's unique or weird!! and You'll get massive traffic boost.And don't forget that profile name with website links works
great too!!

You can check mine to model it:;_ylt=Ajly...

#3 Traffic Exchange Technique

This technique is pretty powerful and boosted my web traffic a lot.
I'm sure that you've heard of traffic exchange program.It's a type of service that allows you to create ads and have it viewed by other members if you're willing to read their ads.
They'll do the same too.I found this extremely useful.Join 3 different traffic exchange programs.
This is what you should you.

Join program A and creates ads that Promotes Program B
Join program B and creates ads that Promotes Program C
Join program C and creates ads that Promotes Program A

If you've noticed it.All you got to do is to promote Program A only.Automatically it'll promote other programs and generate traffic to your websites because of the ads that you've created.

If you're still blank and confused on this technique you can check a review site ofsome of the good traffic exchange programs that I've created.

#4 Forum Marketing +

I'm sure that you've heard of forum marketing.Forum is a message board where members
from around the world join,gather and share ideas as well as discuss problems with each other regarding a particular niche market.If you become a member of a forum, you'll be able to create a signature line.
You can put your website's link under your signature file.Whenever you post or write something at the forum,automatically your signature line will appear below your post.If other members like your post,they'll
likely to click on you sig line and EUREKA "you've just got a visitor to your website". That's not all.If you've contributed something at the FORUM,use to submit your is a place where great links or websites are posted by people around the world.
So when you submit your own forum post at DIGG.COM, chances are high for people to view
and click your sig line.

Get started here:

#5 Controversies + Yahoo Groups

I've personally used this technique to get more than 1,000 visitors to my brand new blog in 5 days.This is what I did.I started a brand new blog to start my Internet marketing career 2 years ago.
So I choose the most controversial topic that has been rocking my country. Then I wite some personal opinion regarding that issue on my blog. Then I went to Yahoo Groups and joined the most relevant groups that's related to the issue and submitted the exact content that I wrote
at my blog with it's website link.Instantly the traffic started to flood in!!

I've explained more on this technique in an article here:

#6 Viral Pictures

Viral is closely connected with something that may spread easily.So i suggest you to create a viral picture which is closely connected with your products and spread it. Everyone likes funny pictures and they don't mind sharing it with others.It's viral.So, If you're selling a health product, then you may create a funny picture about it and put your website's name on it. Whether it's a 12 years old kid or 21 years old adult.They would just love and share it w

#7 Yahoo Answers

I probably won't be answering your question if i don't know the answer. And i won't suggest you any website links if i think that it's not going to help you.
So simply answer any questions that you're knowleadgeable(your niche market) at and put a link to your websites as extra source for others.
If your answer is good and solved the questions, people would also expect for more tips and suggestion from you.If you suggested any website links, there are high chances for anyone to visit it.

#8 Viral Videos

Videos are the most famous entertainment on the Internet.People would just love it due to it's effectivenes in spreading the message. So i suggest you to create viral videos about your product and again put your link in it.
If you got 3 minutes video, then make sure your website's link is visible throughout the whole 3 minutes.If you don't have the neccessary tools to create a video, then you can simply collect 5-10 viral pictures and then convert it into video using Windows Movie Maker.
Then just upload it to You Tube or Google Videos. Now using bluetooth everyone is exchanging videos from their mobiles or computers. If your video is viral enough to attract others, it will easily spread to others.
Here's another tip.Make you videos and teasing as possible so that it'll create great curiosity
to the viewers.It'll trigger them to visit your website links that you show at the end of the videos

Get started here:

These are my traffic generating techniques that I've learned,tested and benefited greatly.
Good luck!!

- Maxy - 01-25-2013 10:13 AM

Getting large amounts of QUALITY traffic to your site is no easy task. No way around it, it is VERY time consuming
and expensive. But the real secret to attracting more traffic is to add bucket loads of fresh content. Providing you promote this new content effectively, it can act like a magnet on your site, pulling in new visitors every single day and giving you the opportunity to turn those visitors into loyal followers, without lifting a finger? You have already done your part by building your site. will open the doors and bring in the traffic.

- Justin - 01-25-2013 10:13 AM

From the answers posted, you must have realized already that it will take a lot of hard work to get substantial amount of traffic to your website huh? But really, those long answers you got only boils down to this: to get traffic to your website you need to increase it's visibility and to increase it's visibility is to get it to high search engine ranking, to top 20 at least.

But you will need a lot of links to rank well in search engines. There's this new technology that's been becoming a buzz to webmasters lately called 3WayLinks which they said is Google friendly but does exactly what backlinks are intended for. It's very different from reciprocal links (site A links to B, and B back to A) which are kinds of links that search engines (SE) do not value very much at all anymore. SEs want to see one-way links (or at least what it believes are one-way links).

In a 3-way link setup, site A links to site B, site B links to site C, and site C links to site A. Google sees each link in the 3-way link exchange as a one-way link and gives it the FULL ranking value of a one-way link.

There's a review in about this technology. You might want to check it out. Good luck!