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Demi Lovato Fan Video? - Printable Version

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Demi Lovato Fan Video? - Serena Brown - 01-25-2013 02:05 PM

Hey! k so we are doing a demi lovato fan video and i was wondering if you guys wanted to appear? if so, just leave a comment under this question or whatever telling demi how much you love her or whatever you want her to know! then sign with your name or twitter/tumblr name Smile i'll screenshot it so i can add it to the video Smile

Another thing you can do is send me a video of you telling her a message to my email --> (PLEASe notice that there is a 'y' before the @ lol and i'll save it and include it in the video Smile

Then I'll burn it in a DVD and give it to her in a M&G as well as uploading it to youtube so that y'all can see it Big Grin thanks soooo much for the support this really means a lot to us and I'm sure demi will love it too! xoxoox

- Jessica - 01-25-2013 02:13 PM

I Love Demi Lovato SO MUCH she's such an inspiation to me and I love her! <3