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Are you easily upset? - Printable Version

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Are you easily upset? - Sky - 01-25-2013 08:52 PM

Do you get upset easily?

What sort of things upset you?

What do you DO about it?

What do you do to let go and move on?

Do you think people who are easily upset are just too sensitive and should toughen up?

How do you feel if YOU have upset someone else? What would you DO about it?

Do you think some people like to deliberately upset others and don't care about doing so?

Do you think the internet and texting has made it worse? It seems easier to upset people with texts, Facebook posts, emails, Twitter death threats etc.

Sorry, you don't have to answer EVERY questions, but just post your thoughts, views, opinions and experiences!

- Creative eye - 01-25-2013 09:00 PM

Yes lot ,mostly when i expect perfection in work ,when someone annoys much . family problem etc . .

- Visualdog448 - 01-25-2013 09:00 PM

Do you get upset easily? sometimes yes

What sort of things upset you? arrogant people , people who are full of themselves.

What do you DO about it? At times I fight with them, retaliate if they are rude to me, at times I ignore but I always try to forgive them, there should be no place for hatred, bitterness in my heart.

Do you think people who are easily upset are just too sensitive and should toughen up?


How do you feel if YOU have upset someone else? What would you DO about it?

I feel bad, I guess I would apologize to that person.

Do you think some people like to deliberately upset others and don't care about doing so?

Yeah, they get a kick out of it, I guess they enjoy doing that .

Do you think the internet and texting has made it worse? It seems easier to upset people with texts, Facebook posts, emails, Twitter death threats etc.

Here in India two girls were arrested for their FB posts, which I think is wrong and stupid, you dont arrest people because something they wrote was offensive .

- Shih Tzu - 01-25-2013 09:00 PM

Some times I get upset. I'm usually quite organized and even tempered. I get upset about things I can't do anything about. But then I realize how foolish this is and put it out of my mind by getting busy with something else. Everyone has their 'buttons'. An otherwise very strong person can become quite upset when their 'button' gets pushed. But we push on. Like my dad used to say "They can't eat you."

- myfishdrown - 01-25-2013 09:00 PM

1) Had about 4 years of bulling at school, it upset me to start with then i just stopped caring what they said said, so nope

2) The only things that upset me is when people i care about hurt me, other than that nothing

3) I quickly see the bright side of the situation because something good ALWAYS comes out of something bad, you just need to look for it sometimes

4) Yeah pretty much

5) Yes, yes I do

6) I feel bad about it for months, if it is someone i care about, if not i just don't think about it

7) Yes, and when they try to upset me, I just turn atround and say 'Idon't give a f*ck, you are irrelevent to my life'

8) I don't think so, if anything it is easier to forget about something people write compared to what they say/do, well it is for me anyway

- All hat - 01-25-2013 09:00 PM

You feel clever being a tough guy in times of conflict, and clever being sensitive in times of love.

Unfortunately, it's like a master control. You can't easily slide it back and forth as conditions merit, imo.

I myself stay on more sensitive which is sometimes a misery for sure.

- osmijeh - 01-25-2013 09:00 PM

if you think how small we are in this huge cosmos, and how small our problems in this life on this planet Earth are comparing with eternal life, with eternal values like: being helpful to the others, forgiving for other's mistakes or insults, growing love and understanding in your heart for everyone around, or at least not allow hater to come in us.....then you understand how easy is to be happy and have a content life.

- Excessiveunderwear299 - 01-25-2013 09:00 PM

Yes...everything as im pregnant and hormonal HAHA.
People should not change who they are .... If your sensitive or not....or differences make us well us