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Why Are Conservative Repubs Against Social Security? - Printable Version

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Why Are Conservative Repubs Against Social Security? - StevieSinatra - 01-26-2013 04:24 AM

I am pretty adamently liberal, however I have several conservative Facebook pages that I follow because I like to hear both sides. Anyways, on these pages there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people complaining about elderly collecting social security and how they are lazy and expect SS to be handed to them.

Um, excuse me, but my parents and my grandparents work(ed) hard all throughout their life. They deserve their SS check and benefits. It's not like welfare where the money is pretty much handed to them, it's money they worked hard for throughout their working lives and money that is owed to them. I don't get what the problem here is.

Do these conservatives not have older relatives? I mean my grandparents both worked for decades and my grandmother got sick and my grandfather returned to work long after retirement to help pay for her medical bills before finally retiring again. A lot of people are hardworking indivduals and that money is theirs by right.

Maybe a conservative could please (respectfully) inform me as to why they feel the way they do about this issue. Thank youl
On the Facebook pages I follow and in the comments on some Yahoo articles, there are hundreds of people calling them so. I did not personally, and it is the fact that they called them lazy that irks me the most. I am sorry, I didn't intend for that to sound like I was the one referring to them as so.

- Macadamia Daze - 01-26-2013 04:32 AM

I think privatizing SS would be a good idea. I just hate leaving something as important as retirement in the hands of a government which has proven time and time again to be incompetent and corrupt. So I prefer private solutions for helping those in need.

- civil_av8r - 01-26-2013 04:32 AM

I'm against the gov't raiding the coffers. The gov't is spending the Social Security money faster than they are taking it in. That is the problem with the system.

- Mark H - 01-26-2013 04:32 AM

Social Security is its own worst enemy.

It cannot be sustained, especially when the percentage of younger people abusing it keep[s getting higher as it has over the years.

The sad part is all my life I have been told I will never collect money from SS. I'm 46 and that assessment has been wrong all these years.

The truth is that SS and Medicare and now Obama care are going to build up so much debt that it will bankrupt the dollar. We are at 16 trillion now, and its going to keep going until no one will lend us any more that point, they will turn on the printing presses and print dollars 24/7.

It is not that I will not get any money from SS, it is that the dollars I get will be worthless.

As it turns out, the age old adage is true and unchangeable.

"If you don't work you don't eat"

Social Security is going to prove that making us all suffer together.

Hope that helps.

- Citadelgrad87 - 01-26-2013 04:32 AM

Um, excuse me right back. NOBODY, exactly NOBODY is calling SS recipient lazy, that is a lie.

It is a fact that social security was instituted at a time when workers had a life expectancy of 2 years after retirement, now it's 30 years. There were FAR more payers than takers at the time, and it was specifically stated by FDR that it was not supposed to be a replacement for retirement.

It is going bankrupt, that's not a party position, that's a mathematical certainty. There isn't enough money to keep running it the way it is being run, but you disgusting liberals just want to whislt off the cliff and ignore reality, or, worse, people like you pretend that republicans want to screw the elderly.

See what that gets us in 10 years, oh caring one.

- Andrew - 01-26-2013 04:32 AM

It's a wasteful system that is bogged down by bureaucracy. Why should the govt. have control over how I choose to invest my retirement money? This system will harm the young generation more than any other because the Fed. Govt. will not be able to pay it back.

Social Security at the end of it's time has historically given people back around 1.5 percent or so
S&P 500 Average and other stock market returns which could be invested in for retirement has historically returned around 5-6 percent.

That just shows how private sector investment is more efficient than forced government investment.

The sad reality is that the government has FORCED its citizens to be reliant on the horrible system, and so endorsing the taking of it away costs votes, especially from older people. This is why government should not give away free stuff because it creates unintended consequences.

- BALD EAGLE 1776 - 01-26-2013 04:32 AM

because they never liked it from day 1

- Sandy Kroger - 01-26-2013 04:32 AM


If every American were allowed to keep there own money and invested it wisely the money at retirement would be enough to live comfortably and not have to answer to bureaucrats as to what Doctor they could see OR how much money they could use to live on OR trust that Congress the Senate or a sitting President would speed it.

- john - 01-26-2013 04:32 AM

They don't hate SS, they think it will be insolvent in 30 years or so. People in their 20s and 30s might not get it, even though they pay into it. Your parents and grandparents will still get SS, even if the republican plan is accepted. Only SS for young people is on on the chopping block.

- ? - 01-26-2013 04:32 AM

I believe in volunteerism and I'm against statist force. If people want to collect SS they should pay into it but you should also have the option to not pay and not be able to collect.