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Is it normal to like being alone? - Printable Version

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Is it normal to like being alone? - NW - 01-26-2013 09:10 AM

I have always been a sociable person, but I have been hurt a lot by people who I was close to. Now after 11 years of school, a Dozen failed friendships and a year of depression I am doing okay. I am in 12th grade and I have to say I like being alone. I sit alone at lunch and read, I take time at break to sit outside if it's nice out or get stuff done. I go home right when school ends. The only friends I have are people I met through twitter, tumblr and YouTube and they are awesome and I talk to them all the time, but we talk about YouTube and tv shows, we aren't really like friends, we don't even know each others last names. For 8ish hours a day at school I am silent, I don't talk to people and they don't talk to me. Should I be worried about myself? Should I try making friends even tho I am not great at it? Is it to late for me since this is my last year of school? Idk... Help please!

- Å‚ - 01-26-2013 09:18 AM

That's exactly like me. I love being alone

- Gillian - 01-26-2013 09:18 AM

I enjoy being alone too. It's fine. I'd say that making friends is quite important tho...

- fatlawyer900 - 01-26-2013 09:18 AM

That's okay, hun!
Some people are introverted while others are extroverted.
You don't necessarily have to have lots of friends etc to be happy and online ones are great too (:

for example, my friend is an extreeme introvert, kinda like you--she loves tumblr/twitter /reading or just taking a walk but she was homecoming queen!

sooo. it all depends.
don't worry, i'm kind of in the same boat, and if you want we can be friends as well.
haha. have a nice day!

- Harleigh - 01-26-2013 09:18 AM

Just because you like spending time with yourself, doesn't mean there is something wrong with you.
Maybe this is exactly what you need for now, ya' know? Some alone time should do you good after what you've all been through. If you enjoy being by yourself and all of that, then why not?
I'm the same way quite frankly. I love just sitting on my ass at home on my laptop, or going for walks by myself/with my dogs.
Try making new friends and socializing when you feel damn ready to.
There's nothing wrong with liking to be alone.