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Did you love The Social Network but dislike facebook? - Printable Version

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Did you love The Social Network but dislike facebook? - Jesse Pinkman - 01-26-2013 02:43 PM

I'm not a big facebook guy, but I loved The Social Network.

Whether you like it or not, it tells the story (somewhat factually) of a social phenomena people will be talking about in 50 years. Plus, Aaron Sorkin is a god. Name one bad thing he's done.
I believe that fairly or not, Zuckerberg will be remember along side Gates and Jobs. Did he possess the genius and insight of those two men? I don't know. Probably not. But, as a brand is facebook as recognizeble as Apple and MSFT? Yes. We shall see.

- Fairchild - 01-26-2013 02:51 PM

I'm not a huge fan of Facebook either, but I liked the movie a good bit. The movie was very well paced. The dialogue was very witty to the point of being unrealistic at times, but that's Sorkin for you. I love him.

- Bubbles - 01-26-2013 02:51 PM

Studio Whatever On The Sunset Strip. Well, you asked!

Loved The Social Network - such a chilly littler movie - and have never been on Facebook.

And no - I don't believe people will be talking about FB in 50 yearts. I would imagione, between now and then, the world will work its way through many, many other similar sites. Remember MySpace? Yeah, so, no.

- Interrobang - 01-26-2013 02:51 PM

The movie was less about Facebook itself and more focused on the resulting social, personal, and legal repercussions its success had on the people behind it. So it's not surprising that even people with little interest in Facebook can find the movie interesting.

Edit- Yes, I do believe that people will still remember Facebook half a century from now because it was responsible for the creation of the youngest self made billionaire in the world. Facebook had a huge impact on our society. Privacy issues coming to light, new forms of marketing, among other things.