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I can't stand my mother? - Printable Version

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I can't stand my mother? - Miri - 01-26-2013 05:13 PM

I have been living abroad, away from my parents for almost 2 decades and I recently finally finished grad school (thank goodness) and was on the fence about where to get a job. I told my mother that my wish was to stay abroad and find work.. But she had this fixed idea that after almost 2 decades of living away from home on my own, it is better for me psychologically to come home and find a job closer to my family. She was wrong. But somehow I could not convince her that she was wrong even though I argued with her countless times. I have been living abroad since age 12 so I don't have friends or social life at home. I dont have a big family either, just my mother and brothers who are married. I could see how this was going to turn out just by thinking about it for 5 seconds, but I decided to listen to my mother. After all. parents usually see things from different angles and based on that, they suggest what might be best for us. Now I'm back home, looking for a job but the job market sucks here for my degree, even though I have a phd.. Even part time jobs in stores reject my application claiming Im over-qualified. I dont have a single friend or thing to do, ever. So Im completely stuck. In every way. And now my mother is beginning to be bitter about me being at home everyday even though she is fully aware of my situation. I could have stayed abroad and tried to do the same thing where all my friends are, but no, I came home because she was adamant it would be better for me and for everyone in the family. Now Im holding the short end of the stick. I would move out but I dont have a job and I dont have much savings so I wont be able to pay rent for long. When my mother gets certain fixed ideas, she never listens to other people. She never listens to me, always treats me like Im a child still even though Im 26 years old. The worst part of this is that she doesnt even think that she had a part in this sh*tty situation of mine. She says "its not my fault that you are miserable" WTF? I get that it was my decision in the end to come back but seriously, who is she kidding? I love my mother and she has always been supportive financially and of my decisions all the way until now but now she is just being mean and inconsiderate. Why the hell did I even listen to her? What can I tell myself everyday to escape from this psychologically straining circumstances? What can I say to my mother? What do I do? Please help!
In case its confusing.. The part that says "I don't have a single friend or thing to do, ever" I meant I don't have a single friend here, at home. I do have friends, they are just thousands of miles away. I left home when I was 12 and it's impossible to keep in touch with friends from primary school for almost 2 decades. The point isn't about having no friends at home though, but rather my social life sits on the other side of the world but I somehow ended up here all miserable. All because I respected my mothers opinion. And she is now becoming a factor to my unhappiness by being irritated that I'm always home.

- Tanzy - 01-26-2013 05:21 PM

woosh that was a long one, and yea my mum is the same, she always shouts insults and never listens to me. NEVER, if she is really like that to you , just leave, pack up take your things and just go, if you are really that miserable then tell her she cant decide thing for you because its your life, leave a note or something and go

- haky - 01-26-2013 05:21 PM

Wow, the empty descriptions of family found throughout your question are desperately illusory; compelling me to answer. The circumstances leading to your return 'home" were unfortunate. Decisions made by the only two people living in the home where you now reside WILL have a lasting effect on your psyche. Addressing your personal desires in life will ameliorate deleterious long term negative impact. My most sincere suggestion is to begin reviewing the resources you have personally cultivated during your lifetime. You say in the question that since moving home you no longer have friends. This is the most disturbing phrase written because, unless they all died, there were none to lose. I do not wish to sound harsh as i am not, true friends are rare and becoming more valued as aspects of society devolve. Share information with those you truly hold closest to your heart. The one or two friends you may have at any given time are a stable base to call on when you need to reach out to someone. You have so many fine people in your recent past such as professors and administrators, call or write to them, let them know you are a better person for having known them. And finally, as an aside to 'what to do" stay away from bars, nightclubs, you're very unlikely to find anything more than a cloak with which to mask the issues you wish resolved.