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How is Twitter used and how does it work? - Printable Version

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How is Twitter used and how does it work? - MCorporalAdams - 10-11-2012 10:09 PM

I signed up for twitter about 3 years ago, and now someone has told me to start using it.

I have no idea how it works, and why people use it... but if someone could explain that'd be great.

I know it's updating your profile for everyone to look at, but as a social networking site, I've seen that certain people communicate using the "@" sign.

Can someone give me a brief summary of how Twitter is used?

By the way, I realize this is in "Facebook" but there's no "Twitter".

- Pineberry - 10-11-2012 10:17 PM

oh people follow you to see what your tweeting and posts blogs etc..

- Lola Lady - 10-11-2012 10:17 PM

It's similar to Facebook, but not just like it. There is nothing but status updates. All you do is update your status, and see what your friends are putting as their status. You can follow anyone because they don't have to accept a request like on Facebook. But, the same goes for you. Anyone can follow you no matter if you accept it or not. It doesn't ask, it just immediately let's them see your profile, which is what makes it a little more dangerous than Facebook. Just be sure not to put too much personal information. Have fun, and be safe!

- seo webmaster - 10-11-2012 10:17 PM

You can read this article - on how to use twitter effectively for online marketing.

- Paul Keep - 10-11-2012 10:17 PM

Here's The Simple Answer:

You use it to either follow the activity of someone else, or you can post your thoughts and updates and let people see what you're up to. Most do both.

Some have said it is like Facebook, but with just the status part. That's true in a way, but it is so much more than that.

I posted a blog about "5 Ways To Use Twitter." You can check it out if you want.

- b-bo - 10-11-2012 10:17 PM

Basically, Twitter is a networking site. You create a profile and then meet and follow people who have similar interests to you. It's a great way to make contacts. In fact, I met my current boss through Twitter long before I actually met him in person. The point of the "@" sign is how you communicate with others. Unlike Facebook, you cannot post on someone else's profile. In order to communicate with a specific user, you make a tweet and say "@" then their username, and the tweet is sent to their @mentions folder. This is how people can tell that you are talking about/to them. Twitter is similar to Facebook, in the sense that you communicate by making status updates, and it is sent out to your followers' homepages. Twitter is great for businesses as it is a wonderful way to connect with customers. If you are interested in learning more about Twitter, then I would recommend the book "the Tao of Twitter" by Mark Schaefer. It's a quick, easy read with info about the purpose of Twitter and how to use it. Hope this helps!