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How to get popularity ratings on YouTube? - Printable Version

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How to get popularity ratings on YouTube? - buisiness5524 - 01-26-2013 06:58 PM

I have made some videos on YouTube about a game I am creating as a demo view, and also one on how to fix a flash drive...however they been on there now for nearly 2 months and I only have like 11 views. Whats wrong..and why am I not having any traffic to find these videos when others have like thousands of views, or even millions? I used the Tabs thingy to shorten the search engines to find them, and tried to monotize them, and whatever else I could do...

- Jonathan - 01-26-2013 07:06 PM

Be a woman+Show cleavage=Instant views

- Zapbuild - 01-26-2013 07:06 PM

You have to promote your youtue videos thorugh social websites like: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Linkedin etc.. also you can embed your youtube videos in your websites and blogs.

- LV Art Studio - 01-26-2013 07:06 PM

There are several ways to get popular. Improving video data for example (tags, title, description, etc) I think I can give you some tips.
Send me a message in my Youtube channel:

- John Z Wetmore - 01-26-2013 07:06 PM

Look for some strategies in the YouTube Creator Playbook: