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People wishing death on chris brown is it right? - Printable Version

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People wishing death on chris brown is it right? - ufcfiend - 01-26-2013 07:30 PM

I'm honestly DISGUSTED with the social media era, I was on twitter and there are people hoping that CB gets skinned and burned alive, her deserves to be choked and mutilated, and that they want his blood drained out of him. These people are obviously still upset about the 2009 incident but really these are people who are against his act of violence in 09 but yet they want to respond to his actions with violence as well???? HYPOCRITES. Why is it that every other celebrity can move on with there lives and find peace within themselves after screwing up but when it comes to chris it's world war 3? Why are people responding to vile behavior with vile behavior? That "woman" jenny johnson has stalked and cyberbullyed chris brown for YEARS and told him he was a worthless piece of shit yet when CB responds he's the bad guy yet again?? It seems as if society isn't truly against bullying maybe I should start teaching my children that no matter how sorry someone is BULLY them for making a mistake because they are worthless and we can't except anything less than perfect.

I'm sorry but I just had to rant about this....what are you opinions?
@Johnny accepting bullying on ANYONE regardless of who they are makes yo as vile as the person you dislike.

- Johnny - 01-26-2013 07:38 PM

People shouldn't wish death on anyone let alone bully.. however everyone is entitled to their own opinions. He's a woman beater.. therefore I could care less about how others feel about him.

- Britpilot90 - 01-26-2013 07:38 PM

You shouldn't wish death on anyone.

While I think Chris Brown is a deplorable thug who highlights what is wrong with the modern record industry, I would never wish death on him or anyone

- Taint Wrangler - 01-26-2013 07:38 PM

i dont wish death on him but it takes a little pansy to beat a woman.

- ♥Rachel♥ - 01-26-2013 07:38 PM

No you should never wish death on anyone
Yes what Chris Brown did was wrong.But it's not like he has done anything to anyone besides Rhiannia
If Rhiannia is okay with him everyone should just accept it