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do you think pocodot is going to be the new facebook? - Printable Version

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do you think pocodot is going to be the new facebook? - Krisbian - 01-26-2013 08:15 PM

I keep seeing comments on youtube about celebritys on " pocodot " so I finally found out what it is and its a social networking site. I made an account but should I actually use it?

Do you think its going to replace facebook or even be worth using?

- JackBond - 01-26-2013 08:23 PM


- Puppers Jilly - 01-26-2013 08:23 PM

I signed up too. I don't know if it's going to replace facebook. If you tell facebook addicts who already have facebook and myspace about it they'll probably make an account right then and then there will be them one more reason to stay on the computer all the blah blahing about other peoples business. It looks pretty cool, very similar to facebook. I would give it a try. But I'm not that huge on facebook, myspace, pocodot.....ETC.

- Mars 2.0 - 01-26-2013 08:23 PM

i doubt it

- ErikS - 01-26-2013 08:23 PM

Stay on FaceBook, don't even ever turn back to this pocodot. Their marketing is making dozens of accounts on youtube and then making their "spam comments" highest rated on Youtubes music videos. So none of it is actually true, it is their own marketing, there are no celebrities on there! It will never get very popular, just the few victims who were lured in, but it is much worse than FaceBook or any other similar site, therefore I can't see it taking off!
Just a buch of people tying to trick you, to make money... Oh well, that's the world now-a-days!

- Liang - 01-26-2013 08:23 PM

Yes, Eminem said so XD

- Jennifer Patroski - 01-26-2013 08:23 PM

Given that it's still in beta, I agree that facebook has a shelf life and that it will soon meet its fate. The barriers to entry are not as solid as people may think. In fact, the name 'pocodot' sounds more flavorful, and its brand equity is much more solid than those of friendster, myspace. If there's an Intel, there's an AMD to balance it. If there's a Microsoft, there's an Apple to balance it. If there's a Magic Johnson, there's always going to be a Larry Bird. Smile

I had also replied to a similar question in another post.

Users are finicky. And nowadays, users are even more short-attention spanned. If I had to place my bet, assuming Pocodot has a solid management team and plenty of capital to spread around, they will be the most likely heir to the throne - of course, it will depend on many factors but overall, they seem to be handling it just fine. And, competition is good - for consumers. Without competition, companies like Microsoft would forever rule the world and we would have no Google, no Apple. In my own personal opinion, it's time people wake up and embrace change and specifically, competition.

As far as the remark about spam - companies like Zynga and Groupon were also seen as utilizing questionable spam techniques. Now, they're multi-billion dollar companies with extremely high profit margin and used by the masses. If I was a consumer, or a business who was looking to advertise, I would actually encourage and help bring users to Pocodot as that will help prevent monopolistic pricing behavior on the part of FB. Again, just my two cents.

P.S. - i LOV the dislike button on Pocodot too. Finally people woke up and saw the daylight on this dictatorial travesty.