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Why is Louis Tomlinson being so rude? - Printable Version

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Why is Louis Tomlinson being so rude? - Lauren - 01-27-2013 12:07 AM

Yes, I guess you could call me a directioner. No I don't ship Larry. But lately he's been so rude to fans. Mostly on twitter, but also in person as I have seen. He's calling his fans fake, and calling them lost causes. Does anyone know exactly whats going on, and why he won't just ignore something's that been said? The other boys seem to be able to handle what has been said good or bad well, but what's up?

- Tracey Chiem - 01-27-2013 12:15 AM

I heard people are calling him gay because of Larry, he just wants people to accept that he is happy with Eleanor.

- Amonavis! - 01-27-2013 12:15 AM

He doesn't seem to understand the concept of a ship. A ship does NOT have to be canon, in fact most aren't. Larry is a ship.

- Gentlemendoctor386 - 01-27-2013 12:15 AM

He's just rude. I hate 1D Louis flipped his fans off

- Smiley Stefanie - 01-27-2013 12:15 AM

Some people say its management and not Louis but who knows. He's only saying people who ship Larry aren't fans, like the hardcore ones. Which is stupid because every single fan has put him where he is, whether they ship Larry or not! And I agree with WHY does he even pay attention to it?!? He replied to tweets that didn't even mention his twitter username... Like what the f*ck for? He shouldn't even care what people say. He's just causing more drama by paying attention to it.