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Does my best friend complain too much? What do I do? - Printable Version

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Does my best friend complain too much? What do I do? - jamie - 01-27-2013 02:02 AM

My best friend of 12 years has always complained here and there, but ever since we started college, I feel like she does it too much! I know it's natural and even healthy to complain SOMETIMES; everyone does it sometimes. But she literally complains about something every single day and ALWAYS has the need to tweet about it or post it on tumblr and facebook.

Since finals are nearing, she keeps saying complaining about how much work she has because she's an architect. She keeps tweeting about how architects like herself stress a lot during finals week because they have "SOOOO much work!" She also tweets that some people don't understand the stress she goes through because they don't go to a "real college" like she does and says community college students don't learn anything.

When her boyfriend of one month broke up with her, she bashed him endlessly even though he never did her wrong. Never cheated or flirted with other girls but she was always flirting with other boys and said that she was a "natural flirt." A year later after the break up, she STILL tweets stuff like, "My ex boyfriend taught me that even the nicest guys are still douche bags." "Why don't guys stay in relationships for longer than a month with me? They're all douche bags!"

She often tells me how her family has money problems but yet she makes her parents pay for her (expensive) sorority, spends a LOT of money on party clothes (and alcohol) and has expensive Coach handbags.

She was single for ONE year and she kept tweeting, "I'm forever alone." "why don't guys like me!?" "why are all guys douche bags?"

All of those on top of saying things like, "I just want to get drunk and cry." "I'm done with life." "I am so tired of feeling like shit about my entire life."

She takes 16 credits at college and works 15 hours a week... which is the same as most college students but you don't see them complaining as much as she does. Her negativity and complaints started to affect me and my mood because she always complained to me (literally every single day) and I sat her down one day and said, "I love you. I care about you and I always will... but I feel like you've been complaining a lot and advertising it on Twitter. I don't think it's healthy for you to focus so much on negative things." and she blew up on me and said, "YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND! I WORK 15 HOURS A WEEK AND I'M A FULL TIME STUDENT. I'M ALSO IN A SORORITY AND I DRIVE TO SCHOOL EVERY SINGLE DAY. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!" I reminded her that I work 40 hours a week, go to school while taking 21 credits and also drive to school. And she just left me and hasn't talked to me since... but she has subtweeted (complained) about me saying, "My best friend doesn't give a sh** about me."

What do I do? Am I just overreacting or does she really complain a lot? I don't want to lose my 12 years of friendship with her...

- becca - 01-27-2013 02:10 AM

Yeah, she definitely complains a lot!
Maybe she's having a hard time in college and is seeking attention through these complaints. If people comfort her and give her positive reinforcement, she probably feels better after doing so.
I know how frustrating it is - I also balance work, school, and a sorority, and I pay for most of it myself. It drives my crazy when people complain about silly money things. But everyone views their own problems differently.
It's hard because I don't personally know her - but maybe try and distance yourself a bit. Seeing all the social media stuff is going to drive you crazy if you keep reading it - maybe block her from your newsfeed? I don't have a twitter so I'm not sure how that works.
But if you've been friends for 12 years, you obviously have something strong. Hopefully this is just a phase. Try and make these conversations positive. Like, if you're hanging out with her and she complains about boys, be like "Let's go get icecream and talk about high school, when boys were less dumb!" It's not attacking her at all, and hopefully you can get her to talk about something happier.
Or, you could take a more emotional/personal route. Do this next time she complains to you, don't bring it up randomly. Explain that you have some hard things to deal with, too, and you want your best friend to make you happy. Tell her that you want to both focus on happy stuff. Make sure you don't blame her - almost make it seem like its your fault, if that makes sense.