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help i think my boyfriend"s gay!? - Printable Version

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help i think my boyfriend"s gay!? - MaryamRose - 01-27-2013 02:10 AM

OK so my bf is 16 i'm 14 and we have been friends for 7 years he loves miley cyrus but to the point where he is obsessed like he listens to her music has an app that gives news about her and even has her on Facebook and twitter he says she is the only one out there with good music he doesn't really act like a man he is really shy but he is nice but i had to make the first move so is he gay or what?

- Djammelabong Jones - 01-27-2013 02:18 AM

That seems stereotypical of you. So what if he likes Miley Cyrus? Where I come from, being gay means being homosexual, and that's defined as being sexually attracted to people of one's own sex. That isn't remotely to do with music taste.

- Cherry - 01-27-2013 02:18 AM

No my boyfriend loves jojo he says her music is the best and he loves her style..still doesnt mean he's gay my ex bf wore eyeliner and foundation and he still wasn't gay..

- Eden - 01-27-2013 02:18 AM

Some guys can like both men and women. At least hes interested in a famous girl rather than a guy. If he likes One Direction or Justin Bieber then might need to worry.

- Umm..Okay - 01-27-2013 02:18 AM

Ummm... I don't know, to me it sound like he is gay but just on the down low. He probably not ready to come out yet. I had friend when I use to be in High school, and he was acting feminine and everybody ask him and said if he was gay. He always said no. But since I got in touch back with him on Facebook, turns out..... HE WAS GAY. He even told me he just kept it on a down low when we was in High school. But now he finally came out the closet.