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Why is justin bieber with selena gomez if he is gay anyway? - Printable Version

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Why is justin bieber with selena gomez if he is gay anyway? - Bentley - 01-27-2013 03:28 AM

lol eventually she's gonna get dumped....why can't he just come out already?

- Chad - 01-27-2013 03:36 AM

All for show. He has a boyfriend on the side

- Mathew Carlsen - 01-27-2013 03:36 AM

I heard she has a penis...

- Violentdesk186 - 01-27-2013 03:36 AM

Maybe he's not really gay. O_o

What a thought....

- Miss Deathly - 01-27-2013 03:36 AM

Does it really concern you?

Sheesh, enough about Justin Bieber.

- Kaila - 01-27-2013 03:36 AM

he is not gay. I honestly don't know why people are still keeping that up. His voice is deeper, listen to his new song boyfriend, and listen to his song onetime. There's a huge difference. Some people just mature at different times. And if anybody was gonna dump someone, selena would dump justin cause justin's to nice to hurt a girl and selena honestly could date someone older... and im not saying that cause i like justin Smile

- widecarpenter603 - 01-27-2013 03:36 AM

If he comes out the media will be all over it, & he might lose fans.

- scrawnyglue897 - 01-27-2013 03:36 AM

ITS A COVERUP!! haha I don't know... and the lipstick he wears... tisk tisk.

- Taylor - 01-27-2013 03:36 AM

Because he isn't gay. You're very immature. They have been dating for over a year now and they are very happy together. It isn't even any of your business if he was or not. Why do you care? It isn't your life. If he was, all rights to him. But he's not. He's had previous girlfriends before Selena as well. Sorry to break it to ya hun.

P.S. He can get more girls in one night than you could in your entire life. K.

- Joy K - 01-27-2013 03:36 AM

Justin Bieber is a young man who is incredibly talented and has an amazing voice.  I love his voice  now and  before!  The following are some of the hatred that has been directed toward Justin......Some people say he sound's like a girl, look's like one etc, he  doesn't.  The people who talk about him and hate him are jealous and it's like there trying to win a popularity contest.  They envy him!  Why? Because Justin has something they may never have.  Who wouldn't want the life and fame he has? As for Justin and Selena, they are very much in love!  They are an amazingly sweet and and romantic couple!  Like it or not, it's the truth!  Here's a little something I thought I would share this with you.  Justin Bieber is well-known for his sense of humor. He once posted a message on Twitter telling his fans exactly how he feels about haters who try to diss him by making jokes about his sexual orientation. He thinks they're funny!  As do I! Ever since he appeared on the world stage, people have speculated about the true nature of Justin's sexual orientation. First there were the jokes that he looked--and sang--like a girl. Then there were the lesbian jokes, There was actually a website devoted to "lesbians who look like Justin Bieber." And hateful messages appeared on many media sites describing JB and his girlfriend Selena Gomez as "2 young lesbians in love."  K.D. Laing jokingly called Justin a "cute lesbian" whom she found very attractive. And of course there were the plethora of online posts and rumors that Justin's much publicized PDA-laden relationship with Selena Gomez is a fake romance scripted not just for publicity but also to conceal his true sexual orientation. Yikes!  That's a lot of speculation.  So how does Justin Bieber deal with all the mean-spirited--not to mention homophobic--attention directed his way? He laughs at it.  "Haters call me gay!" Justin wrote. "It's funny because their girlfriends want me more than them."  That's no doubt true. Which is also probably why they do it. Kudos to the Biebs for maintaining his sense of humor and understanding in the midst of controversy. As for the haters, perhaps they should concentrate on getting lives. But that's probably impossible--which is why they're haters.  If you don't like him then don't. Talk about him all you want!  Justin Bieber is not gay in the least!  It doesn't hurt him and you know what he has million'$ of reason's why he could care less about what hater's think about him!  In just 11 month's his fan base on Twitter not including every where else has gone from 12 million to currently 23.1 million!  That's how long I have been a fan.  People  also talk about how obsessed his fan's are well hating him is just as much as an obsession as loving him! Â