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How can I get my sleeping pattern back on track? - Printable Version

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How can I get my sleeping pattern back on track? - Black Butler - 01-27-2013 03:35 AM

It's the holidays and I've not been able to sleep properly at all. Sometimes ill get to sleep at 6 in the morning! I usually get up around 2-3pm and it's starting to annoy me. I just don't get tired its so strange. It needs to stop now though. I am a sucker for going on my IPhone and watching Animes and going on Facebook, twitter, tumblr etc.. I know you're going to say 'just make sure you leave your iPhone out of temptation' but it's not that simple. If I don't go on my iPhone ill draw or read or anything it's so annoying! I just need to sleep please help me

- AnomalousA - 01-27-2013 03:43 AM

One thing that works for me is no matter what time I fall asleep, whether it be like 3 or whatever, if I get up really early the next morning and have a busy day, i'll be so tired the following night that i'll go to sleep at a regular time. It's probably not the most recommended method but it usually works.

I'm the exact same for issues with Twitter, iPhone etc, and some things that sometimes work are actually reading or listening to some relaxing music. An iPhone or your television gives off a bright light and your brain associates this light with daytime and so doesn't relax and so you're less likely to fall asleep, so I would recommend avoiding these. If you choose to listen to music, why not create a playlist of soothing songs? If you repeat this playlist every night, your body will begin to associate that particular song/playlist with sleep and you might just fall asleep more easily.

An alternative solution is trying natural sleeping pills. However, do make sure they are natural.

I really hope this helps, and sorry for the quite lengthy answer:-)