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Have you cheated and did your partner take you back after a while? - Printable Version

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Have you cheated and did your partner take you back after a while? - Daisy - 01-27-2013 06:47 AM

i cheated on my partner as i have depression and was really down and questioned his feelings. he obviously went mad and i really wanna get back with him cause i do really love him. should i just give him some time even tho he has done everything to not speak to me like deleting me off fb and twitter? if anyone has had a similar experience some advice would be really helpful

- Summer Sun - 01-27-2013 06:55 AM

once a cheater always a cheater

you were depressed boohoo what happnes when you get down again

if he has any brains he will run a mile

- Lilly - 01-27-2013 06:55 AM

I have never cheated and would never no matter what! I wouldn't get back with someone if they did not even a kiss!

- Kaitlyne - 01-27-2013 06:55 AM

Give that person some time, sometimes if you really love or care about someone you have to think about them before yourself. Write him a long letter explaining how you feel about him, then be like I'll give you some time, I made a huge mistake and Id do anything just to take back what I did, I'm so sorry, then just stop talking.Tell him how stressed and upset you were, say you need him blah blah blah, put all your emotions and thought into it.. He will start to miss you and he'll re add you or talk to you again. But , what you did is wrong , I would have gotten mad too , its not easy to get cheated on form someone you really like it hurts .. Give him some space ,

- Answer Me This - 01-27-2013 06:55 AM

Just make it clear that you are sorry-(sounds obvious I know) But think of it from his point of view,how would you feel? Also,prove you want him back dont just be like,"im sorry.Please forgive me,i love you" Prove your sorry,prove you love him. However,it will be difficult for him to forgive and forget and if he doesnt come round and you feel you've tried youe best and thats still not good enough then... Just leave him. At least you can say ive tries to make it right.

Good luck winning him back

- petitemusic871 - 01-27-2013 06:55 AM

Daisy, I've never cheated, but we all make mistakes and we're human. No one is perfect. He is really hurting right now. Probably feels stupid for going about life without realizing what you did. When someone is cheated on it feels like the ultimate betrayal and it's a lot of pain. You will never to give him a decent amount of time. Don't beg or be desperate. If this is his wish to part ways you have to respect that. You can never force yourself upon someone just for your way.

And if you were questioning his feelings, which means you lacked trust in him, you should have just left the relationship becuase there is no use in staying with someone you can't trust.

- Natalia - 01-27-2013 06:55 AM

mental illness is not an excuse cheating...Depression is managable with proper meds. control your I would not take you back...I do not like weak people

- Lilly - 01-27-2013 06:55 AM

this is what i did....