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What are the real twitter accounts for cast of PLL? - Printable Version

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What are the real twitter accounts for cast of PLL? - Doogie - 01-27-2013 07:37 AM

What are the real twitter accounts for cast of PLL?
Lucy Hale, Ian Harding, Shay mitchell, Ashley benson.
Just wondering my friend is a big fan and ask me to find out.

- Randy Marsh - 01-27-2013 07:45 AM

So long story short I was at the grocery store minding my own business...I was in the fruit section picking up some watermelon when I got struck with a huge urge to fart. I squeezed my legs together to try to keep the sucker from escaping....and shuffled my way to the nearest corner to try to get out of the public eye....there was people there..and I had no where to go...that's when it happened...I could no longer hold the monstrous fart inside and it ripped lose in all its thunderous glory. Everyone around me went silent and I turned as red as the tomatoes that were in front of me. I was morbidly embarrassed and was about to make a beeline for the exit when it happened again....I farted and this time more came with it. I looked on in horror as brown mushy poop slid down my legs and onto the floor...the people around me gasped and I, trying to hold back the tears.....ran out the door I was running I was leaving a trail of poop behind me and then it happened...I slipped on my own poop...fell flat on my back and everyone started laughing....

- Stephaniee - 01-27-2013 07:45 AM

Lucy- lucyyhale
Shay- shaymitch
Ashley- AshBenzo