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Westboro Baptist Church protests Sandy Hook Elementary School? - Joseph - 01-27-2013 08:17 AM

The UK media are reporting the vile Westboro Baptist Church are planning a demonstration at Sandy Hook Elementary School to offer praise to God for 'executing his judgement'. How sick is this...? Are the authorities powerless to stop them...?

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- Robert D - 01-27-2013 08:25 AM

I wouldn't take anything that the Daily Mail says seriously.

- Day.vid - 01-27-2013 08:25 AM

My God! why does someone always have to drag religion it it?

- Paine - 01-27-2013 08:25 AM

I'll be curious to see what crimes this church has committed amongst its congregation. Give it some years, i'm sure the truth will reveal, i'm patient.

Edit: Crane, you should read a little more about these people then you would not be surprised, and yes they do get beaten up by the locals, but the police also have to protect them whilst in public:


Westboro attacked:

Edit: AndrewS, I bet that was fun for the supreme acting out Job 1:21. Kind of like a cat playing with mice watching the humans squirm and suffer from aloft and afar.

- hissinggalley915 - 01-27-2013 08:25 AM

I think you must have read this wrong.I have read the mail (link to it enclosed) and it says no such outrage.? How could any religion do what you say,how could anyone. They could arrest them for a public order offence. If not the local people should take the law into their own hands and kick the rascals out.

- plato - 01-27-2013 08:25 AM

Just look at what they have lined up!! they set themselves up in God's name as judge & jury- ignore the baskets!!!!

- Erraticson167 - 01-27-2013 08:25 AM

I don't see what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School as the judgment of God. However God took those kids to be with Himself. Ultimately they're His kids. He created them and He took them away.

Job lost everything including his kids and he said, "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."

I doubt they would go so far as to picket Sandy Hook Elementary School. If they do, I will have to reevaluate my opinion of them. Anyway they are entitled to their opinion. Why are they being singled out? The left right now is saying that NRA members should be murdered. Why isn't that in the news?

- Phantomcracker177 - 01-27-2013 08:25 AM

Yea these Westboro bastards are always protesting and picketing funerals of our dead soldiers, gays etc. They hide behind our free speech.These people are full of hate. I think what they do, falls under ''hate speech''. I can't stand these hateful fools.

- Devils Advocate - 01-27-2013 08:25 AM

It wouldn't surprise me. The god they believe in is the very antithesis of the way gods are envisioned among more rational people. Hate filled, vengeful and bigoted and murderous. They provide some of the best evidence that there are in fact no gods at all.

- Rondi - 01-27-2013 08:25 AM

They are evil and that is who the killer should have gone after instead of the elementary students and teachers!