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How can I learn to draw like this? - Printable Version

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How can I learn to draw like this? - Danielle - 01-27-2013 08:18 AM

I love this style. I love how the faces are so vague, and the bodies are so informally drawn I guess you could say. Does anyone know how I can learn to draw like this? Do you have any tips? Are there any free online classes that teach this style? PLEASE HELP! I ENVY THE DRAWER OF THIS PICTURE!!!
link to the picture:!/theHstyles/media/slideshow?

- squarerifle881 - 01-27-2013 08:26 AM

Easy study anatomy then just white out the faces. Even by whiting out the faces I can tell who it is. It's 1D =_=;;

- Jacob L. - 01-27-2013 08:26 AM

Before photographs, the great artists practiced drawing from real life. Look at some of these practice sketches done by Michelangelo.…

The more you practice drawing from visual reference (from real life or photography) you will imprint these images into your mind. Over time you will be able to see and draw these images from memory and rely on visual reference as much.

If you would like a book with visual reference, check out my ebook which has 100+ photographs of things to draw. Drawing people, animals, objects, and still life's will help you draw more realistically and become familiar drawing different things. Give it a try.

- Dani - 01-27-2013 08:26 AM

Practice makes perfect, really. When I first got into drawing, I would trace photographs of animals (I can't draw people worth crap). Now I can just look at a photo and I am able to get the relative composition of it down while turning it into my own style.

I've been drawing for well over 17 years and I'm still learning a lot of new things.