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What do you think of my web page in terms of marketing? - Printable Version

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What do you think of my web page in terms of marketing? - i love being a mommy! - 01-27-2013 08:30 AM

I took a business class and they pretty much said keep it as simple as possible, but maybe mine is too simple?
the site is
and my facebook is
although im not as worried about this one.

- Shaun Baird - 01-27-2013 08:38 AM

Hi, I think your site is fine! Really! Its clean and simple just what people want when they're looking for inspiration from your pictures.

Just keep updating the facebook page regular with your latest work, and life and things that happen to you. Ensure all new clients know about the site and FB pages and slowly it will come together.

You might want to add something to the site for pricing if you feel it is appropriate anyway! But make a call to action stringer, and BOLDER..

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(make these more visible)

Good luck!