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What do you think of this for a fiction book I'm writing? - Printable Version

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What do you think of this for a fiction book I'm writing? - Sal - 01-27-2013 08:47 AM

I'm writing a book, in it there are witches, not the traditional sort. They are immortal and extremely powerful they only have two weaknesses they are iron, which can kill them but its hard to do. The other thing that can kill them is their enemies-dragons.

Also: Can i get a copyright for the book if its not done, that way i can post part of it on sites like facebook without anyone stealing it? Please answer this part if you KNOW how to do it. Thank You
That is not the whole plot. I already have most of the plot planned out and a little over a fourth of the book written but i don't want to post all of it on here because it is not copyrighted.

- Melody Hallow - 01-27-2013 08:55 AM

I think it sounds like a good idea, but you didn't give enough on the plot. If you do end up copyrighting it, they'll tell you not to put it on social network sites. Sure, technically no one can steal it, but you are no longer making money for it.

- Charlie - 01-27-2013 08:55 AM

It sounds alright. A bit generic, but alright. Anything involving already-established mythical characters and creatures battling just seems a bit overkill and tiresome these days. I've had enough of it to last a lifetime. There will be a market for it, without doubt, but it just seems very formulaic. Witches cast spells, dragons breathe was the same 100 years ago.

What I would find really interesting is a completely new and innovative fictional character, with a story based around it. Something truly scary, monstrous, original or frightening. Isn't it time for something imaginative and new instead of half-inching old ideas?

The main reason I answered this question is because you don't need to mess around spending tons of money on solicitors to assert your copyright. Set up two email accounts. Anything you write in relation to your book, send to those email accounts. And just leave it. Should the time come when you need to sue someone for copyright infringement, you have the evidence in unopened emails.

- Nyx_and_Erebus - 01-27-2013 08:55 AM

it sounds very intriging! I myself am a writter, i have 13 planned or half started novels, and three completed that im attempting to have published.
I'm not sure on your copyright question for if you want to post on facebook, but there is a website i use,
you can publish your writing, and its copyrighted so no can legally use your idea, and others are able to read your writing, and comment on it too. I love it, ive had lots of great advice and have read heaps of great stories on there as well