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What do you guys think of Gerard Way now? - Printable Version

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What do you guys think of Gerard Way now? - Edith - 01-27-2013 09:15 AM

It's a question that I've been askin myself personally. I might not know him personally to say that he's chaned but not surely seems like it. He doesn't seem to take care of himself anymore. What that means he looks messy all the time. Not that that's any of my concern but you know, he didn't dress so... Crappy... Before. And to me he acts like if he doesn't care anymore. So it makes me not care. A little tiny evidence could be about him blocking that one user on twitter. Actually two. Did anyone hear about that.
I know he's a busy man and everything but.. Would it kill him to at least keep his fans updated on the new album? That's another reason why it seems he doesn't care. I mean, look at Frank. He's always tweeting and keeps updated on something.
This is just my opinion and I want know about others. Please no hate and I wanted to post about this because I care. Thank you for your concern if you answered.

- Fts - 01-27-2013 09:23 AM

Heroin is a hell of a drug and person killer he needs to get clean and stop the facade

- Another - 01-27-2013 09:23 AM

You do realize that he has a growing kid now right? And those users must have done something wrong for him to block them. It's only two. He's not allowed to block anyone? From what you're telling me about him, because I haven't heard about him in awhile, he seems to be doing much better because he used to truly be in ruins in his past, all drugged up and all. It seems he's growing up.