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What is a good way to break into the modeling industry? - Printable Version

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What is a good way to break into the modeling industry? - femocremo - 01-27-2013 01:57 PM

I'm about 5'2'' asian with a slender body type and was always interested in the industry. Im currently in college now and feel like if I wait too long it would be harder to get into modeling. I always thought import modeling was fun since you are just hanging out and you get to market merchandise. People have always told me I look like I model, which got me thinking. Do girls usually just apply and send in their pictures to companies?

- The D - 01-27-2013 02:05 PM

my sister who is 25 was with like three different modeling agencies whe she was growing up and they all were scams.

THey would charge like $500 to sign on, Say that htye were goiing to bring her all this business, NEVER HAPPENED, then six months later they were all out of business, One of them i think was forced out of business casue the owner was like sexually abusing the people. I'm not trying to scare you but that' rreally what happened.

You need to be in a big market, like ney york or la. matbe the san francisco area, soemthing that size that has modeling shows of HIGH CAPACITY,

For instance my sister still models, it's just a hobby now though and she models wedding gowns at bridal shows, might be a good start.

- Aj - 01-27-2013 02:05 PM

Go the cheap route by promoting yourself on Myspace, Facebook, modelmayhem, Youtube, etc. You don't have to pay for those sites. Also submit to Maxim/Stuff, although they are partial toward white women.

Just go out there and get your name out. Your right that you should start modeling now. Do it while you're young because the window of opportunity is very small.