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Why is this and why does no one ever talk to me?!? - *Ashlynn* - 10-11-2012 10:33 PM

Ok so I am 23 and I seem like I have a lot of online friends on myspace and facebook and also twitter I have like 70 followers. What I am asking is why NO ONE ever talks to me?! I mean I post things on facebook and no one will comment and I will see others post and they have like 7 comments. I probably could post like "I am dying tommorow" and not get ANY responses:/ I am serious it is so lame I never get any attention on there. It's almost like I am invisable. I don't even get any friends request I might get like 1 or 2 a month at the most. Why is that? Oh and I was making videos on the youtube makeup community and I had like 39 videos up and didn't have even 40 subscibers until I made a contest then I had hundreds but it's like they was only subscibing for the contest. I am wondering am I really that lame and boring. I try to be nice outgoing and friendly but why am I ignored so much..Honestly,it really hurts me. I would love people to talk to me. Yes,I talk to them and they barely ever answer back. Like my cousin that I haven't saw in years was on there and she will barely speak to me. Why is this? I am so confused I want friends so bad and it's like I am invisible. What is a life with no friends? You need them to talk to and to have fun with.

Oh and I deleted my youtube account because of how unpopular it was and how I was trying so dang hard to no avail. I put 100% in all I do

- -rachel ray. - 10-11-2012 10:41 PM

You should write things that are interesting to people. Like the current song you're listening to or a question that a lot of people can relate to, tell a joke, write a quote, say what you did today, do something creative.

If none of that works then you dont have very nice friends.

- unknownfreshman - 10-11-2012 10:41 PM

I think that the most important thing is is that you feel loved in real life. And if you don't, try to call people and chat more often with people who are already in your life. But that's not what you asked.

I think if you've got a Facebook status that no one is commenting on, try adding in
"I'm dying my hair tomorrow! Talk pplz!"
So that people know you want to hear their comments. Also writing on people's walls works to, try asking them a question so that they will respond back.

Sorry I have Facebook not myspace.

Why don't you try calling your cousin? There's some people I know who are soo friendly in real life and so cold online. And yet some people are the exact opposite. Or maybe your friends just don't spend online. It's most likely not your fault that no one is talking.

You could also just try taking a break from the Internet and do something productive, like go for a walk or painting. Or you could just do something you feel like doing. Just take a break from Facebook and Myspace after writing a friendly message on your friends' walls, and then when you come back to those sites, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Hope I helped Smile Good luck!

- Amany - 10-11-2012 10:41 PM

Honestly, i think ur problem is that u r trying too hard. i think caz u really wana find friend u may seem too pushey. ppl dont like that. u will never find any friends like that. u should be urself and please dont try too hard...
XOXO good luckWink