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I have a question on a gaming console? - Printable Version

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I have a question on a gaming console? - Raul Vera - 01-27-2013 02:32 PM

So i hav an Xbox 360 with a lot of games...I am planning on selling it(if u wanna buy it Email me at I wait for ps4 or should I buy ps3 right now or should I buy an ipad (wat do u do with an ipad?)

- hamizan - 01-27-2013 02:40 PM

the last of us (ps3 exclusive game) will be release next looks very promising...if you like that game should buy ps3...but if you are going to wait for ps4.. i think it will not be a problem bcause ps4 is probably able to run ps3 disc,,,,and ps4 will be out end of next year or in 2014.....i think it is better to wait for ps4 so you can save your money......

ipad and ps3 are different things...if you like to surf the internet and always be online in your facebook/twitter ,,you should go with ipad...but ipad is not as fun as ps3 in gaming.....