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Is it normal to think I look ugly on camera? - Printable Version

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Is it normal to think I look ugly on camera? - sguy - 01-27-2013 04:35 PM

On facebook, twitter, blogs, everybody whose photos I see look okay, good even. But every photo I take of myself look freaking ugly and my smiles looks very artificial and forced. Is it normal to think you look ugly on camera but not others, or is there a trick to looking good that I'm missing?

- Brad - 01-27-2013 04:43 PM

I feel the same way, can't say that it's normal or not, lol but my brother makes fun of me whenever I take pictures of myself anyway so I just stopped and I've had the same picture for like 10 months. Oh well

- JoJoeh =Delight - 01-27-2013 04:43 PM

It is perfectly normal (in my opinion) because I feel the same way and so does my friend (who is so good looking but hates herself on camera). This may be the case if you don't recognize your facial or bodily appearance when you look at yourself from an image. You may feel 'fat' or 'I have a big nose' or think feelings such as that that you have not mentioned about yourself before or have, but haven't given much thought to how you'd appear during that instant of the camera (you can't look at yourself in a mirror before that instance to check yourself)...just my opinion

- Rani - 01-27-2013 04:43 PM

Cameras lie. So do mirrors. You are stunningly beautiful and so am I. Never believe a camera. They're in cahoots with the mirrors~~ and the damned scales have gotten in on the grand deception as well. Trust none of them. YOU know you are beautiful. And Brad's brother is just jealous.

- Ghost - 01-27-2013 04:43 PM

I feel the same way and so does my mom. I look very ugly in photos and it sucks because my boyfriend thinks otherwise, therefore wants tons of pictures *gags*. I do believe however that it is all in our minds. My mother thinks she looks terrible in photos but I can say 100 percent she is beautiful on camera.

I don't think there is a trick you're missing. Some people just don't look very good on camera. I don't know what it is...maybe the lighting? lol

- Sakura Drops - 01-27-2013 04:43 PM

i think it's normal... sometimes i fell the same way, too... Don't worry you're not only. it's only normal to et used to your face and maybe, to be fed up to it. It's the only face your really memorize, from the birth marks(if you have any) to the pimples or the scars... You're just getting used to your face. some people may think you look good in that picture, some may not. it is just normal so if you want to improve or change appearance, try using a beauty product or try changing your hair style. Tongue

- asta - 01-27-2013 04:43 PM

maybe u jst have bad self esteem.
ur eyes are deceptive.. maybe u should go blind. then u wont have to look at urself anymore and u wont think ur ugly.
nah jokes.
but yes it is completely normal to think you look ugly.. most girls do. thats why they use PHOTOSHOP. but dw. try to believe ur friends, they are hopefully being honest with u.. unless u got those friends who lie to u, and say u look good even tho u dont... coz friends do that. i know mine do.
SERIOUSLY tho..........
i think it is normal to think u look ugly on camera. people are normally harsh on themself. and think negative thoughts even tho it may not be true, we jst cant help it.. we jst gotta believe the ppl around us, think positive, stop focusing on ur flaws and focus on the good parts and make the most out of life..

- Celeste - 01-27-2013 04:43 PM

i think all of my pics are ugly. it's only after i look back at them later on in life i realize i was just being self consious

- Ally! :D - 01-27-2013 04:43 PM

I think that it is normal for everyone to think that they look wierd in a photo

Beacuse every time I show my friends a picture they are like ew delete and im like no it looks cute!! So yeah I think its just in everyones head just dont think about there is no such thing as a bad picture