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im so confused about does it work?!? - Printable Version

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im so confused about does it work?!? - Unluckylunchroom429 - 10-11-2012 10:37 PM

ok so basically, i got a twitter to follow my favorite NBA players. i don;t really plan on tweeting myself and making my own tweets, but i would like to connect with players.
what do the @ signs mean?
is it possible for an nba player to reply to me? how does a player follow ME?

i'll give you an example on another thing im confused on...
i like money in the way #classic RT @BowWow: @nate_robinson hella throwbag my boy

^^what does all this mean?! haha
thanks for any help!! Smile)
and sorry this is in the wrong section..

- Bleh. - 10-11-2012 10:45 PM

You stalk people.

- victoriouswren788 - 10-11-2012 10:45 PM

NBA players wont follow you, but you can follow them.

# is usually a trending topic. (look in the trending topics)

@ is usually a retweet.

- Holy Moly - 10-11-2012 10:45 PM

I won't read the instructions for you. But I'll link you to them

- Shaaaawty(: - 10-11-2012 10:45 PM

@Bleh - that's the point of Twitter...

@ signs are for replying to people/tagging them in your updates. Whenever you reply to someone, then you're updating your status.

They can follow you, but it's pretty rare. Kanye followed ONE person, and it became a huge thing. I wouldn't expect anything if I were you. |:

# signs are used to show trending topics, things that most people are tweeting about.

- Fudge Pies - 10-11-2012 10:45 PM

The @ symbol before typing a name will reply to the person. A player may not follow you, but you can respond to them (and they can respond to you, if they want to) by typing an @ sign and then their name and then typing your response.

#classic is a hashtag. People use them to find more tweets on the subject. If you clicked on #classic, it would take you to other tweets with " #classic " in them. RT means retweet, like the person saw a tweet they liked and put it on their profile by clicking the retweet button. And again, the @ symbols mean they are replying to somebody.

Hope I helped. Otherwise look up videos on YouTube on "how to use twitter"

- Questioning Girl - 10-11-2012 10:45 PM

Well... if someone puts "@" infront of someones name it means its directed to them... so if you wanted to say something to barack obama you'd say "@barackobama" though other people searching his name or are following you can also see the tweet. A "#" infront of a word is usually about a specific topic.. and are often in the trending topics as well. "RT" means the tweet has been "Retweeted" in other words... tweeted again after already been tweeted. Though it'll be really difficult to get a famous person to follow you... with a bit of luck if you follow them first they'll follow you back, or simply try tweeting "@barackobama can you please follow me" Though with that many people trying to follow someone at once, it's not easy for them to follow me.. so just be patient and keep trying.