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Why are we all here wasting time doing countless things on the internet? - Printable Version

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Why are we all here wasting time doing countless things on the internet? - Gary D. - 01-27-2013 07:47 PM

Why the hell do we mindlessly waste time clicking on all this bullshit, and writing nonsense in blogs, and going to Facebook, and Twittering, and joining 20 new websites a day. I am overwhlemed by our technologies and my brain has regressed. It can only be fed by constant video, and image stimulations. I miss the outside.

- MJ - 01-27-2013 07:55 PM

'O-o-outside? You're telling me another dimension exists outside the internet? Well, I have to let all my Facebook and Twitter followers know. They're going to be stoked when I tell them!'

- Vince - 01-27-2013 07:55 PM

Internet usage goes down on the weekend.

- QuiteNewHere - 01-27-2013 07:55 PM

this is the world of instant gratification where the kids who have beeen raised on television had now grown up to live their lives inside little boxes of technology, and if you find yourself feeling out of touch from their generation, you are correct.

Because they have been roped into bombardment by eyecandies, they will be easier to manipulate than your generation.
Yes, fortunately for you, you are not completely brainwashed and need the external stimulation to verify knowledge.
There should be more of you but alas, your breed is getting extinct

- Suraj - 01-27-2013 07:55 PM


- Zelda - 01-27-2013 07:55 PM

Because it is easier than interacting with others, face to face. The internet has made certain things so much easier ( research) and yet, there is a price to pay for this. We no longer go to libraries. I believe this interest in Facebook, Twittering is just a phase ( I didn't buy FB stock for this reason ). Hopefully, people will get bored with the internet social media. I believe this will happen.

- Christine H - 01-27-2013 07:55 PM

It is hot as Hades outside. 48C and counting and the Tv is showing Knight Rider or some ditsy film depending on the channel, so my lunch time break is being spent typing and reading on here. It surely makes the TV with the sound off seem so much better and takes my minds off the fact that even with the a/c pounding, my legs are sticking to the chair with sweat...

Well, you did ask....