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How hopeless am I in getting a relationship? - Printable Version

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How hopeless am I in getting a relationship? - Jack - 01-27-2013 11:40 PM

I want to get a girlfriend and I'm in college...but there are a few things that I feel will eventually come up and make things awkward. First off, I live at home with my parents; my mom gives me haircuts; I carpool with my dad since he works at the university; I don't have a cell phone; I only use email and not Facebook/twitter; and I have severe acne. Oh, and I have lots of schoolwork that makes me do all-nighters at least once a week...

So, should I even bother?

- Asad - 01-27-2013 11:48 PM

One of our most critical needs as human beings is to share our lives with another person in a deep and meaningful relationship. With infinite wisdom, God created human beings in a manner so that our true fulfillment cannot be achieved by living a life alone; by the very way we were created, then, we are driven to search for that individual with whom we can enjoy a lasting relationship -- with whom we can share our life.

- Michael - 01-27-2013 11:48 PM

It's funny you mention that. Because all that doesn't matter. Trust me. It only matters if you continue thinking like that. Let's say you have a gf, there will be people that will say to her what are you doing with this guy he lives with his parents, but if you keep her interested she won't care what her friends tell you. If you don't she will take their advice. Now how to keep her interested. Healthy drama, don't ever tell them you love them, don't ever let her dictate what you do, have your own opinions and value them. Act like she's not good enough for you. I'm sorry but if you want a gf and don't want to get dumped this is what you have to do. How to pick one up, talk to them. Don't tell them they're beautiful, tell them there big chin is actually kind of cute. Idk man theres a lot more advice I could give but to answer your q. Yeah you could totally have a girl