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Do you accept your personal challenges, or do you feel victimized and blame others for your circumstances? - Printable Version

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Do you accept your personal challenges, or do you feel victimized and blame others for your circumstances? - ✦✬✧ - 01-28-2013 05:37 AM

Some (here) believe we choose our charts, ie. appearance, family, intelligence, talents, etc. and actually have a life purpose...or particular goals that we need/want to achieve (consider the North and South Nodes). Eliminating all injustice isn't possible, yet some are of the mindset that government can or should "level the field" creating an unhealthy dependence. I don't see myself as a victim or helpless. I can be lazy at times, but always know I'm the one to take charge of my life, and NOT give it over to any ONE or any THING else-

BQ1: I don't get it-WHY would such responsible people (as some here) want more; over-regulation, layers of laws, or government to make life more "fair," eliminate the very "injustices" needed for their souls' growth?

A fluctuating friend:
Saturn square Neptune: can feel like a victim.
Saturn trine Uranus, & Sun trine Saturn: gives sense of responsibility

BQ2: Is it more of how we are raised, habit or in our charts? I wonder...
BQ3: Are you more a victim or responsible...aspects in your chart or learned?
There are REAL victims..countries full of them. (Yes, they chose that too) I don't want to take away from the many with little say over their lives...but do wonder about some people, and why they refuse to take more control over their own destiny...just with a change in attitude.
This awareness must get buried/lost along the way, or needs to be taught more?

It's a vicious cycle-

- Invoker╨┐XD - 01-28-2013 05:45 AM

Yep... Sometimes I intentionally make things more challenging because I see it as a way to derive pleasure and bring what would be less interesting up to something more interesting.. partially why I will multi task even if its difficult but not that difficult.. etc

- Chris Q.T. - 01-28-2013 05:45 AM

i am not big in astrology, or i mean smart yet haha
i know my numerology chart & my Chinese signs/elements Lol
but either way

i accept everything, all the knowledge i accept from all places

it all starts because i want to understand the girl i love (and the girls i have loved too)

the thing about me is my great love i have & i am confident in any new given oppotunity or knowledge given to me

in heaven i want to be a great lover, husband, and so on; that is what i want to carry onto heaven
i want to carry on a new family i made in my life

why not accept your challenge? where is the excitement or fun without a challenge lol

i try to understand my complicated heart & the girl i love, & how to love her

i don't really have a plan, but i am not scared
it's easy as a day go by, i will live & fight for a great vision of mine: to be happily married

BQ2: the way you are raised goes with your astrology chart, we all are spirits in the physical world
you will notice signs, astrology may have mentioned to you or warned you w/e, or even chinese astrology or numerology
it's your free will that will made your life beautiful so use it & live up your own life =]

if your feeling moody or sad, then be Sad or Moody or if you've learned that is a bad habit of yours or unhealthy or just bad (simply) then try to become Better

BQ3: i am oth a victim and responsible
i have to learn to do my own things as a MAN lol & to be responsible

people help me along the way

aspects in my chart tell me & help me understand & to know who i am better & more clearly

i like the last part you said about yourself =]

- Antisocial Man - 01-28-2013 05:45 AM

I do both. I blame others for wrongs done to me, and I've moped about it for years. I can't help waking in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep because my brain is repeating things people have said or done to me. On the other hand, I don't let it keep me from moving ahead with my education and career. I think it's my way of learning and making decisions. I don't want to choose a way of life to get even with people. I want something because it's really what I want.

BQ1: I think we need to not go overboard in either direction. We can't 'make' people be nicer or fair, but we have to set boundaries for behavior like not letting people go around with their chong hanging out.

I think Neptune or Saturn aspects can feel victimized. I don't think it's all about trines. Maybe people with squares and oppositions have to learn deeper lessons in life.

BQ2: Both. I see remarkable accuracy in my own chart. On the other hand, what I said about things keeping me awake in the middle of the night have to do with how I was raised. That goes around again in a cycle though because I can see the relationship to my 4th house planets.

BQ3: I lean more toward being responsible, but I carry some deep resentments. It's all learned in ways shown in my chart. It's not easy being a triple Aries with Mercury and Venus in Pisces.

- Iris - 01-28-2013 05:45 AM

I have Sun conjunct Mars, and I think most of the time I accept what my involvement is in some matter. I've found I'm usually forced to do exactly that. I usually go through a cycle of feeling like a victim, because I believe that is a crucial part of the process or sorting out what is important or what is petty. What is false pride, where I'm reacting in a way I think will save face for me.

With respect to your comments about government and dependence, I recently became angry after reading about a certain focus placed on one or two particular issues, and given a high level of importance. For over a week, everyone in the media, yahoo, twitter and facebook were debating the subject as if there were only two issues involved. Someone rather famous for controversy made a statement about civil rights being for a certain group. I became caught up in thinking about my Cherokee Indian ancestry, my country's history, and felt deeply resentful over what was being said. I do agree that eliminating all injustice isn't possible. It's hard to accept, but there it is.

BQ1: In the bigger picture, I think this phenomenon happens because politicians and leaders want votes. They play up the issues involved, and create a shark feeding frenzy of political excitement. I personally think I've been more focused on building my own successes. When I went to college, I was the only woman in classes of men, in courses taught by men. In my career, I was the only woman in that job position at the company, and definitely the first woman business owner in that particular field. Most people thought I was crazy to attempt doing that. Maybe I was, but I didn't need someone to pave a way for me.

BQ2: It has a great deal to do with how we were raised, and that can also been found in a chart.

BQ3: Like I explained, I think feeling like a victim is a part of the process of sorting things out. Staying in the mode of feeling like a victim is something I can't do. I think it's important to be respectful of what part of that process interval another person is going through.

I think all of these potentials for negative or positive, victim or ultimate survivor, can be found in a chart. Transits and progressions are important when considering early background, and how it relates to the growth of the individual.

- hissingscarecrow957 - 01-28-2013 05:45 AM

That is a tough one!

How can one live without blaming someone from time to time, and who's to say blame isn't justified? If one is going to be really spiritually aware they cannot blame anyone else and everything that happens goes back to their attitude and it's all on them-no matter what.

I'm not perfect and realize the ultimate goal is to take full responsibility. Then there are others who are FAR away from taking any responsibility, they blame everyone for everything and since we are all in this together, it's kind of troubling to see how far away they are from even considering themselves as part of the problem.

- Quietgrandfather635 - 01-28-2013 05:45 AM

I used to be a victim and then I realized I was pushing everyone away and dealt with the demons causing me so much hurt. I was holding on to alot of anger and resentment. I call myself a survivor now and I blame no one for my past or present circumstances. I was a victim to some degree but I then looked for things to make me a victim over and over. I was stuck in my past and would not let go of people who had truly hurt me. I am who I am now because of people who truly hurt me and I learned not to be like them.