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What does libertarian and apathetic mean? - Printable Version

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What does libertarian and apathetic mean? - eve - 01-28-2013 05:40 AM

For the facebook profile it asks you what your political views are, and the choices are as follows:
very liberal
very conservative
I'm not really sure what "libertarian" or "apathertic" mean. Some help?

- Matt - 01-28-2013 05:48 AM

Libertarians believe in as little government intervention as possible. They choose to rely on the free market.

Apathetic means they literally just don't care. See: jaded.

- hose_b - 01-28-2013 05:48 AM

Apathetic means you just don't care.

Libertarians believe in as little government as possible. They support ideas such as that ALL drugs should be legal and isolationist foreign policies.

- Lindsay P - 01-28-2013 05:48 AM

- kelstar20 - 01-28-2013 05:48 AM

apathy, means you understand where the other person is coming from. for example, if your life has been affected by drugs, and a stranger gets up and starts talking about how drugs destroyed his life, you are apathetic to his views, because you uinderstand where hes coming from, even if you dont necessarily agree with what he says.