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Why do my family and "friends" love holding grudges against me? - Printable Version

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Why do my family and "friends" love holding grudges against me? - Two Notes - 10-11-2012 11:00 PM

I deleted my other question because I got rude, irrelevant answers.

I always act loyal to people and forgive if necessary, but why can't people forgive me??

My mom even has that type of attitude and when I try to convince her that it's not good to hold grudges, she gets angry...she holds grudges when it comes to the things people say and what they say isn't all that serious!

My father still holds a grudge against me and it's about to be a whole decade. I was only 11 and it was in 2005, I was naive and my father was caught having an affair and when my mom called the police, I foolishly gave them a note saying my father had an affair for 14 years, when he actually met the woman in father nagged and nagged me for days and to this day, he still has the paper.

My brother did this too...he ignored me for a few days because I was accused of being a snitch.

I even lost friends because of what I say on Twitter, while they keep people who are assholes over me.

The sad thing is that I used to act like this all the time, but I grew up unlike my family.

I mean if I got annoyed with some people on Twitter, I would unfollow them, but I won't get angry at them for months and act immature

- benson cats - 10-11-2012 11:08 PM

its because you like beans and chili cats

- TAZZLOVER8 - 10-11-2012 11:08 PM

Sounds like you are more mature than your parents. Good for you, but what a shame for them. Basically, I cant answer your question. People do what they want. It is this dang free will we were given. It sounds like it is time to start seeing if you can make it on your own. You unfortunately have to deal with it until you are sure, but since you are 18 now.... start putting together a budget as if you were living on your own accounting for all the things you have to pay for, rent, insurance, utilities, food, gas, etc. Live on that budget for a while putting all of that money in the bank. If you can do it... after a few months, take a go at it. If you are waiting for schooling to be over, you might just have to suck it up until it is over and you can be self sufficient. Good luck.

BTW, I am not sure if as a police officer a note from an 11 year old child telling me that someone had been doing something for three years longer that they had even been alive would have held a lot of water for me. Does not make sense. You would not have even understood what an affair was for several years after your birth. And secondly, why would a policeman care about an affair? It is not illegal to have an affair.... just immorale. Not even sure what your mother was thinking calling the police on a civil matter. Makes me wonder if this question is for real. No offense.