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How Does One Mature And Stop Procrastinating? - Printable Version

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How Does One Mature And Stop Procrastinating? - ortonchampion - 01-28-2013 03:52 PM

I Just Want to Free Run off the ground..And Just Go somewhere els other then being in the position im in at 23years old i Regret alot now that im of age because when i was a young kid i was never really motivated as a Kid i was more motivated by being around my mom and wanted to be around her at 11years old and that back in 2000...i had a few interest but when it came to involving other people i would feel lame because some of them easily grouped up while me i was not talking to anyone much not active just sitting back and letting them do the class work...and its like i let my years go back when i was in high school because i never really wanted to go to high school because i let my emotions and negative thinking..and when it came to doing after school like particpating in Art class or whatever it was i would just want to go home because i wasnt a Social Person like i would talk but not really and the crazy thing is by the time i got in the 11th grade and in high school a career counciler from a Volcational School came to me and wanted me to join the school and i did and i took up Carpentry now at the time i had already did it because my older brother at the time was a Carpenter and i had did it with him and his friends and i guess at 16 it was my passion because i would not go to school just to help him demolish walls and so yeah i liked yeah i was on my mind so yeah i just stuck with it for 2yrs until i graduated from High School..and it was like i took it up...cause it was a What do i have to lose Desicion because they didnt have acting because it once i graduated did i want to either go get a Job and then work my way through or did i want to get into the carpentry feild or do i want to go to college for something els even though i dont like being around people...and through the years i never really went to college like i said i was going to i just got lost on the Road and i did temp jobs through the years and also like when i was 17 i had a Hobbie and that was Blogging about celebs and at times i did see my self as a TMZ sorta reporter and it was like i liked doing it..even though during those times i could be looking up colleges and even til this day i still want to go to school but its like when i see the classes i get to Procrasinating and at 23yrs old going on 24yrs i look around me and think do i really want to just waste my life still and watch my cousins go on to do better things because im only getting older and its like i dont want to apply for any schools unless im really sure if thats what i want to do..because i tend to think too much before i act...and a part of me wish i could go back in time and Take Up that Acting class...and i would be better then i am Today

- wishnuwelltoo - 01-28-2013 04:00 PM

Print this and take it to a medical doctor to sort out. We can't know if you have ADD or ADHD or something else.......and I wonder if procrastinating is really your problem or you have something more like Kinethesia learning. It seems like you have a learning issue......where you need to be shown something several times and once you master learn the job. I wonder why you just don't seek out a construction site and see if they will hire you, or maybe you can volunteer at something like Habitat for Humanity so others in the construction industry can see your skills. I am also wondering why you think you can only have one passion. You can do construction during the day and work on your writing and art in your off time. There is no law that says you can't have more than one passion. Maybe you could do construction and then art and writing when winter comes and construction slows down. I think it would help you to sort out your learning issue so that you can focus on the way you learn and you can chase a realistic dream. I wonder if you could do carpentry on your own. My nephew does welding and sells his stuff at flea markets and on craigslist. maybe that would be a better job for you too. Maybe you could go to a tech school and talk to a counselor and they could help you get a pell grant or something so you could get certified in carpentry. Chase your own dreams.