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How can I market my web development company? - Printable Version

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How can I market my web development company? - delightfulrecess886 - 01-28-2013 06:29 PM

I work for a 13 man web development company in the Midwest. I was recently moved into marketing under an inept manager. She withholds information and is not a team player. I love the company and the rest of the people I work with and would like to be an asset to the company. I don't have a lot of experience in marketing... What can I do to drum up business?

Right now I pretty much just attend Chamber of commerce functions and try to utilize my personal network.

- Alex S - 01-28-2013 06:37 PM

There's a whole bunch of methods you can use. To utilize your network is a good idea. You could create a profile for example, add people there, create on Linkedin a profile of your company. The same thing with Facebook. Also a company corporate blog is a nice idea.

If you need to execute an Internet marketing (SEO) campaign, my company could help you with it -