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How long should I wait before I may or maynot get an answer? - Printable Version

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How long should I wait before I may or maynot get an answer? - music fan - 01-29-2013 03:51 AM

Please help advice is needed im 26 shes 36 she was my ex of 2 years we broke up 6 months ago and it was over me not being able to go away on holiday with her and she didnt believe me when I said I couldnt afford it and told me and told me I didnt care about her.
In october when it was my birthday she wanted to meet to talk I told her ok but work messed me around which she knew about then arranged a 2nd time and I couldnt make that because I was ill so she told me Im an idiot and we had a slanging match trading insults by text
A month later I wrote her and her parents a letter saying sorry for how everything turned out and that I was sorry things didnt work out with my ex as i saw a long future with her as we talked about moving in and having kids etc - my ex texted me saying her dad died the night before she got the letters (he had prostate cancer for a long long time)
I couldnt go to the funeral as we werent talking and I was working but I could do nothing but think of her and hope she was ok
I re-activated my facebook back on tonight to find her with a new pic of a new hair do flirting with exes saying she would send them topless shots but I could tell reading her comments though she was flirting she was saying sad things too like why she bothered getting a new do etc
A couple of days ago I decided to text her to see how she was coping with things and she texted back saying things we hard at the moment but she appreciated me "checking in" and that she "appreciated it" to use her words and ended her text with "hope your ok x" I then decided today to text her to ask her if she is finding things tough if she wants to go to a christmas market with me if she is free and I said to cover myself I appreciate she wont be short offers but if she fancied it she could offload on me while at the christmas market. The christmas market is this time next week how long should I give her to reply to me to see if she wants to come the morning of the market or the night before?

Was that 2nd text too much?


- tia - 01-29-2013 03:59 AM

a week