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Where can I learn how to make money as a affiliate marketer? - Printable Version

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Where can I learn how to make money as a affiliate marketer? - Jonathan - 01-29-2013 04:03 AM

Where can I learn how to make money as an affiliate marketer, I want to learn how to make money online promoting other people's products but I don't know where to start or what to do. Could anyone help.

- George Soupis - 01-29-2013 04:11 AM


- Transporter - 01-29-2013 04:11 AM

I really appreciate you because you are the one who wants to learn before jumping into affiliate marketing. many people first jump then learn this is not a good thing because it wastes time and money. There are many ways to learn about affiliate marketing here is one

- Zabe - 01-29-2013 04:11 AM

Hey Jonathon, its nice to see your attitude that you are actually eager to learn before seeming the money. This will help you in long term.

The rule is quite simple in online money making, You have to learn the proper information from the proper source. Unless you do that you won't be able to make money from the internet. That's the reason why most of the people fail to make any money from internet. Make sure you are not one among them.

- HomelyDad - 01-29-2013 04:11 AM

Hi Jonathan,

There are plenty of resources available online. But if you're really serious, and want to get started off quickly, I suggest getting PJ's Work from No Home and Blogging with John Chow. I'll append the relevant links to my blog posts on them at the source for your convenience =)

The fastest way to get in on the game is to know what things are really working and are positioned to continue to help you get things right for the long term. Can't get any easier than this =)


- Tori - 01-29-2013 04:11 AM

There are several platforms you can use as a web presence - your own website, a blog or blogs or article writing sites like Squidoo: The important thing is to create pages with unique and interesting content about a specific topic that people will find interesting or helpful to read and then add links only to products that relate to your topic. You can then use social media like Facebook and Twitter to post links to your pages or blogs to help get more traffic.

Personally, I would suggest starting with Squidoo: The site gets a lot of traffic and you can earn income directly from Squidoo from sales of Amazon products and if you look around at what others have written you will learn a lot about how to create an interesting page that will attract traffic and, as a result sales. You can also add links to your own affiliate program products in the modules.

You will probably need to create some pages first before applying to affiliate programs because many of the better programs will want to look at your pages before approving you for their program. Here are some affiliate programs that are fun and easy to use:
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You don't need a website to earn from Zazzle - you can set up and create your own virtual shop using your own photos and graphics or you can just get an associate code to earn commissions from referrals to other people's products: You can post relevant product links on your webpages or blogs or on social media sites.

- jqchikilin - 01-29-2013 04:11 AM

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- Ryan - 01-29-2013 04:11 AM

Hi Jonathan,

There are many free step by step videos on youtube that can show you how to be an affiliate marketer.

The other sources is learn as you earn well as affiliate marketer check out, you'll be given step by step secrets how even a high school drop out makes more than $100,000 in 90 days.