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Is a business undergrad really useless? - Printable Version

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Is a business undergrad really useless? - WiSh I WeRe iN EnGLaND :P - 01-29-2013 06:29 AM

I'm applying to university sometime this week and have been reconsidering going into business which was my plan for a few months now. I've read in a few places that its a useless degree and that anyone can go into business without it. SO IM SORT OF FREAKING OUT. My plan was to do a first year of general business and then major in marketing my second year.
I've been between going into business or social sciences (probably political science or economy) but chose business because i thought it would lead to more job opportunities. But I really don't know anymore.
So honestly should I look into something else or am I just paranoid?

- Rustic B - 01-29-2013 06:37 AM

It's not worthless and better than a degree in political science. But you'll likely be starting out as an assistant manager in retail sales of some sort. And you won't make a ton of money. You have to prove your worth on the job.

- Chuckles - 01-29-2013 06:37 AM

Business and marketing os so much better than anything on the social sciences for employability.

Any business degree is more employable. The business fields are among the most employable of the non-science degrees.

As for you take each year that is dictated by the university as they will tell you the required courses you need to graduate. Though you can take a fair number of electives as well.

So yes, you are being paranoid, Poli Sci is one of the most useless majors around.'