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Can somebody help??!!? - Printable Version

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Can somebody help??!!? - BeautyAndABeat - 01-29-2013 08:46 AM I was on twitter and I realized that my boyfriends posts weren't showing up in my news feed anymore. I went on his profile to see what was going on, and it said I wasn't following him. I clicked the follow button and it told me it was "forbidden". I DM'd him and then it also said It was forbidden, and to try again later, so I did and it still said the same thing, and when I tried to load his tweets it said "error loading tweets 401." So the bottom line is.....What is happening?!

I can follow other people though so what is happening?

- tb955 - 01-29-2013 08:54 AM

either he has blocked you, or the servers are overloaded and you should try later.

- Dr. Scott - 01-29-2013 08:54 AM

You may want to talk to your boyfriend about what he's hidding.