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How can I make my business boom? - Printable Version

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How can I make my business boom? - Blayke - 01-29-2013 09:30 AM

I'm not looking for a TON of customers, but definitely more than I have now. I own a photography studio. We have a Facebook page, Twitter, and I talk about it all of the time. We get a few customers, but not enough. Is there any way (preferably free or cheap) that I can really get it going? Thanks!

- Jake - 01-29-2013 09:38 AM

I'm afraid a digital camera built into every other device has been bad for the professional of what was a black magic in the very early days of photography. You ultimately will probably have to spend some money on marketing.

Seems like you would mainly want local business, you would want a company web site with a portfolio, this could be on a free host like Google's Blogger, you can use a custom domain name obtained elsewhere for about $12 a year to look more professional. It's easier to get a free Google Places page to show up in local search results, you have to provide a physical business address, the search ranking of your business site appears to be a ranking factor for the paces page as well as reviews on the page and citations on other local directories, most yellow, super page sites have a free listing level. There are also Yahoo Bing counterparts of the local listing page, be sure to use the exact address form in all submissions so the search engines can match them up.
Offering what they can't get at home, perhaps backdrops and costumes might help distinguish the service, a comparison of home photography portraits and professionally lighted versions might be a useful sales device. You might post a new ad a week on, maybe a coupon in an envelop mailer or pennysaver, the USPS offers an Every Door service allowing you to mail oversize pieces to every address on a mailing rout for about $0.17 each.

- Sharjeel - 01-29-2013 09:38 AM

please check this project and give others a guide line

- robert m - 01-29-2013 09:38 AM

Focus on your specific products - define the type / style photography you are best at. Focus on that. Where do your current customers come from - how did you attract them - do more of that. Can they recommend you? Can you get repeat business?

You have a studio - make the most of that. Do offers/promotions to increase business. Offer taster sessions - find a group you can use to promote further business. If you currently only focus on individuals see if you can attract business customers - if you focus on business customers see if you can attract individuals.

Are there any local businesses you can do free/low cost work just to get your name out there and use those as testimonials.

And finally to help do all that I'd recommend getting a website to direct people to and generate enquiries.

- Iam - 01-29-2013 09:38 AM

Facebook and twitter...That's nice....Make a google+ page too... it's really good these days as it ranks good on google searches..
it would be a lot better to have a dedicated website.......Not just a plain website but one which has targetted keywords so people finding service like ur's stumble upon ur website from google and other search engines..

it costs just $5-10/mo . ... mail me .. I can help you set up one..

- Jill - 01-29-2013 09:38 AM

You will need to find ways to get more fans and followers on Facebook and Twitter. The more you have, the more likely they might use your services or recommend you. How about having a contest to get people excited?