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Upset? I feel like a loser? Help? - Printable Version

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Upset? I feel like a loser? Help? - Curious Mind - 01-29-2013 11:00 AM

Lets just say I'm feeling VERY down in the dumps about this. I was out at a restaurant when I noticed a group of guys and his friends staring at me. I was sitting down alone charging my phone when he and his buddies came up and sat at the table beside me. He asked me if I was getting some juice for my phone and I said yes and giggled. I also said I was texting and he said ''oh you must be popular'' and I laughed and said my popular days are over. He asked for my number and I gave it to him because he was fine and I like black guys. Well we texted over the next few days then he asked whether I had Facebook instagram or twitter and I said no, that I deleted them after a bad breakup and was a pretty private person when it came to those sites. Then bam.. It's been a month and he's never texted me since. I feel so ugly and worthless now. Why did he do that?

- Le__ah - 01-29-2013 11:08 AM

Don't feel like that. He probably had his own reasons. If be didn't like the way you looked then he wouldn't have for your number right? Just leave him :] move on!

- Laila - 01-29-2013 11:08 AM

You feel down in the dumps becouse of that? Hunney you have to realise that maybe there was just mo chemistry ofc your not ugly esp that he wanted your number guys will do that some are weird

- Ben - 01-29-2013 11:08 AM

Right not meaning to give you false hope but he may have lost your number.
If that isn't the case then it's probably because he found someone else or maybe he just didn't think it'd work considering you're a private person and he might not be.
He wouldn't have asked for your number if he thought you were ugly so don't worry about that Smile

- lloyd - 01-29-2013 11:08 AM

Simple, you bumped into an asshole. Look, the one who is right for you will accept your flaws and love you for you. The fact that he left you because you weren't on social network just means he was not they guy and was definitely not looking for the same thing you were. He was not worth it, dont batter yourself over a guy. Never do that. Just keep pushing on and be patient, the right guy will show up.

And when he does, he might not have Facebook or instagram either Smile

- Addis - 01-29-2013 11:08 AM

maybe his phone got lost or broken? If you don't use social media at all then you run the risk of something like this happening. I understand your reasons for deleting your account but its still a great communications tool but more to the point don't internalize it. There are a myriad of things that could have happened and the last thing you should do is feel bad about yourself! If you were ugly would he had even walked up and started talking to you? I don't think so. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, put your big girl panties on and go get hit on again.