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Where is the best place for an European student to live and learn Chinese? - Printable Version

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Where is the best place for an European student to live and learn Chinese? - Hey! - 01-29-2013 12:14 PM

I want to live in a Mandarin speaking country ( or region) during the last part of this year. I am looking for a place which accepts european people, internet is not banned ( nor facebook, twitter, youtube etc), I am planning on spending a maximum of $ 1.000 per month on rent.. Could you please recommend me such places? Thank you!

- PolishFreak8 - 01-29-2013 12:22 PM

If you're going to China, all of your facebooks and twitters and youtubes will be banned. Sorry. No such place exists. You could always just use Rosetta Stone, though.

- Ömer - 01-29-2013 12:22 PM

Sorry I had to do that: not "an european" it is "a european"

- tashi - 01-29-2013 12:22 PM

go to hong kong or taipei.china is no good chioce for freedom loving people like you. have a nice trip son.

- Freely - 01-29-2013 12:22 PM

Taiwan, a place with genuine "Chinese" cultures, heritage and traditions which do NOT exist in Mainland China.

You certainly would not want to live in a place as mainland China where people are free to spit and urinate on streets.

- We Never Left!! - 01-29-2013 12:22 PM

Taiwan, of course. Rents run about US$200-400/mo for a small apt.; food is plentiful, healthy, and not very expensive; people are inherently nice. I, and others on these Y!A postings, live (or have lived) here and can recommend some specific pathways for you to follow to achieve your goal.

Try asking your Q in the Taiwan category and see how much sincere help you will receive. ;^) The only ones there that might spit at you are the rude Mainlanders who pleasure themselves by stirring up trouble.

- Shinji Ikari - 01-29-2013 12:22 PM

Try Singapore. It's quite westernized Asian city if you don't want the culture shock. It's also a cosmopolitan and international city and has tons of internet stuff. However there is a fair bit of internet censorship.

- hawkthree - 01-29-2013 12:22 PM

Taiwan. It welcomes Americans and Europeans. You can usually barter some service in exchange for personal mandarin lessons. Although it's a part of China, it's unique in that it welcomes outsiders. You can live rather cheaply ($200 per month; less if you have roomies).

- Elena S - 01-29-2013 12:22 PM

Chinese language is used in two countries at the moment:
China and Singapore
i suggest China for long-lasting visit
not only language but also culture and history can be learnt there

- Jennifer Zhu - 01-29-2013 12:22 PM

Hey Hey! It's not a big deal since most place in China can accept european people, I even have some friends who come from European. As for the specific place, I recommend Xi'an, the captical city of Shaanxi Province in China. It is the most ancient city with 5000 years of history in China, you can experience a lot of Chinese cuture here. And of course, you can rent an apartment with $1,000, actually you can spend only $200 per month on rent here.

As for you idea, I can suggest that you separate living from learning since you can always learning Chinese online which a lot of people follow nowadays. Then your problem must be much easier to solve.

Hope this helps. Ah, by the way, I am an online Chinese teacher from eChineseLearng, the world's premier online Chinese language school. If you want to know more about learning Chinese online with a live tutor, feel free to visit or email me at if you have further question.