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How Does Twitter Work. I Got An Account But Don't Know How To Use It? - Printable Version

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How Does Twitter Work. I Got An Account But Don't Know How To Use It? - Aisha Imtiaz - 01-29-2013 01:20 PM

Hiya guys!
I've Got An Twitter Account But I Have No Idea How To Used It...I Know How You Tweet To Someone Else But How Do I Know When They Tweet Me Back? Thanks

- Daniel - 01-29-2013 01:28 PM

you Write a Tweet in 140 Characters or Less you Can Mention People in Tweets By Typing @ and than there Name you Can Talk About Topics With Hash Tags By Doing it Like this # And than The Certain Topic

to See Who mentions you Inside Tweets Click on the @ Connect button and it will Show you Who Has Mentioned you In A Tweet

to See Who Has Replied Back to a Tweet Click on it and the Replys Will Be Displayed Below

you Can Direct Message Someone If you Both Follow Each Other on Twitter By Clicking on the Direct Message Button

thats Pretty Much it there is not Much to Twitter Really