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Is it possible to be in love with someone you barely know? - Printable Version

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Is it possible to be in love with someone you barely know? - la la la - 01-29-2013 03:07 PM

Like met once and only talked to for a few minutes for example.

- zombiegrl19 - 01-29-2013 03:15 PM

No. It may feel like love but it is only infatuation. You are in love with the idea of that person. Love means knowing everything (or at least almost everything) about a person and wanting to be with them anyway. Infatuation is liking someone, thinking they're cute, and having some little things in common. You have to know who they are as a person, their like/dislikes, flaws and shortcomings, plans for the future, and be on the same page about those things or be able to at least compromise. Love takes time. Good luck to you Smile

- Michelle Glen - 01-29-2013 03:15 PM

You can be in love with the idea of them

Think about this:
You don't really know what they're like. You can assume that they're ____ in bed, that their favourite movie is _______, that you both love ____ music, and that they can't go to sleep without a warm drink beforehand.
You can assume these things, paint a picture of them in your head, and think about that. So, in a sense, you can indeed be in love with them.
Think of the fan girls/fan boys who are "totally in love" with their favourite celebrity. Why do they like them? Because they're attractive! Perhaps in interviews they seem nice and funny. Maybe they follow that celeb on Twitter and agree with what they tweet. But would you think that they're in love?

But, in reality, you're in love with their looks. You know maybe 3 things about them. Maybe you know how their day was when you talked to them a few months ago. But can love be based on that? Yes. Sure it can.

That being said, if you got to know them, you might not like them. You might not be a good match.

So, the love you're feeling for this acquaintance is perhaps shallow, but it's still there.

If you can, go out of your way to talk to them. If it's someone in your school/work, find them and talk to them. If it was a friend of a friend, track them down, or just ask your friends about them. If it was a random person you met once, such as a fellow shopper in line at the local grocery store, then that will be harder.

BUT, let's assume for a second that you're not in love. You're most likely feeling infatuated love, or fatuous love. Infatuated love is cause by limerance. Limerance is what makes you feel the butterflies in your stomach when you see your crush, or think about them. It gives you feelings of a rush of adrenaline and dopamine, and makes you happy. Infatuated love does not have commitment or intimacy. Fatuous love is a whirlwind commitment feeling caused simply by passion. You believe that you're in love and perhaps willing to commit because you feel such passionate feeling with them. You have no intimacy though. Check the Wiki link below for more info.

Good luck with your feelings.