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Should I block my ex and unfollow him? - Printable Version

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Should I block my ex and unfollow him? - Alison B. - 01-29-2013 09:43 PM

We dated twice, and he blocked me after the first breakup. I actually got over it pretty quickly because I didn't have to see all his posts and stuff. Out of sight, out of mind kind of thing. We dated again, and we're still friends on fb and following each other on twitter. Would it be immature to block my ex on facebook? I'd rather block him because then a) I can't see anything of his and b) When I get to the point where I'm over him, I can unblock him and we're still friends so I can avoid the awkward moment where I have to refriend my ex...

What do you think? Have you blocked exes? Does it help?

- E. - 01-29-2013 09:51 PM

If u really love them it doesn't help much to cut contact on short term cuz this makes u want them more, but if they r just... you know fun en blocking them is BEST for ur health. from what u wrote u do not love him so my ans is yes, BLOCK HIM.
By the end of the day u may not even wanna hear 4m him again.
As for how mature this decision is, only u can tell, it's ur life. People shouldn't have to tell u whether or not what u need to b fine is childish. That's none of their biz

GBU, Ciaou

- Rgurl - 01-29-2013 09:51 PM

I think you answered your own question. Block him.

I've had exes that I tried to be "nice" with on Facebook and both times it backfired. They continued to message me and follow what I was doing. One waited until I changed my relationship status back to single to try and hit on me again in a way that bordered harassment. In the end I had to block them to keep my sanity.

Like you said, if the two of you remain friends, you can unblock him on cordial terms and go from there. But for the time being, it's best for you both.

- Maya - 01-29-2013 09:51 PM

You could make a custom list and put him on it, and restrict him without unfriending him and he won't know it..